Chapter 18

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The next day, Brandon had woken up, his vision spun a bit before coming to a sharp and crystal clear view. He had a small pain in his head.

"Oww...damn what happened...oh right..." Brandon said, remembering the events that had happened last night. He jumped out of bed, put on some jeans and a shirt and walked out of the room, directly into Mary.

"There you are. I'm glad you're alright...but you might want to go see Roselyn...she's worried sick about you."

"I will but....what happened while I was out?"

"A woman and kidnapped Selina, Roselyn wouldn't stop crying...."

"...I'm Sorry...I didn't do more to help." Brandon muttered.

"It wasn't your fault. She stunned you. You couldn't do anything. Don't feel guilty."

"...FIne...but I'm still gonna try and get you have an idea where Roselyn is?"

"I think she might be in her room...or in the of the two."

"Okay I'll go there..." Brandon said, as he headed towards the room a door down from his. He opened the door and found Roselyn standing by the window. She was leaning against the window pane, staring out into the rain, muttering to herself.

"If he's hurt...i'm going to kill that one hurts him...ever..."

" okay Ro?" Brandon said, going up to her and putting her arm on her. Roselyn spun around quickly to look at him, as a smile spread across her face.

"Oh thank the gods you're ok..." she stated breathlessly, pulling him into a hug. Brandon stood there, doing what was natural to him which was wrapping his arms around her and hugging her back.

"Hey, it's nice to see that you're okay." Brandon said, smiling back until his smile faded and was replaced with a look of sadness. Roselyn noticed this, and rested her hands on his face.

"Hey, its not your fault. Don't you dare feel guilty about this."

"I won't...but i'm still gonna train to get stronger." Brandon continued. "I don't wanna be weak...ever again."

"You aren't weak. You never were. She surprise attacked you and kitten, and you weren't ready. This wasn't your fault."

"I-" Brandon went to say something before a lady with light blue hair and dark teal eyes revealed herself in front of them.

"Are you Roselyn and Brandon?" Diana asked anxiously.

"Yeah...who the hell are you?"

"I am Diana, Selina's Guardian. I need your help. My link with her has been severed. I don't know where she is. The only person who might know is Allan, her cousin. Help me find him, and we find Selina. I know you don't trust me, but please, help me. We need to save Selina."

"Wait...COUSIN?! She said he was her brother..." Roselyn stated, completely surprised.

"Oh...i shouldn't have said anything...You can't say a word to Selina that she's not Allan's sister...please don't tell her she's adopted..." Diana stuttered.

"We won''s just...that's new news for us." Brandon said, just as shocked as Roselyn was.

"So wait...why does she not know she's adopted?" Roselyn asked.

"Because, her aunt and her mother wanted her to be oblivious until she could return home...with what she is...there are much worse things that were to come for her if she stayed..." Diana replied. "We NEED to find Allan...she's fading fast..." Diana commenced.

"Okay..." Brandon said. Roselyn could tell the uncertainty in his voice.

"What's wrong Brandon?" She asked gently.

"I...I don't trust do we know what she's saying is true and you don't wanna use us for our powers or something?"

"I know you don't trust me... But please, if you don't want Selina to be severely weakened...or worse killed... you have to trust me." Diana stated.

"I'll go. Roselyn, what about the Yuki Edmund and Akira? Will they be okay alone for a bit?" Brandon asked softly.

"We'll be ok Daddy." Yuki spoke up from behind the couch.

"Okay. Well, shall we go?" Brandon said, turning to Roselyn.

"Yes...i'd assume so... do we get there?" Roselyn asked.

"First, we need to find Allan, then I'm sure he'll know where she is...or he'll help us find her." Dianna replied.

They left Angora, heading towards Allan's last known location in hopes of finding him.

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