Chapter 6

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The next morning, Selina randomly drifted in and out of consciousness

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The next morning, Selina randomly drifted in and out of consciousness. Hearing every once in a while some arguing and yelling. She finally wakes up to see Vladimir and Roselyn yelling at each other, with Brandon standing close, defending Roselyn.

"You both are fucking idiots!",Vladimir shouts.

"He was my fucking brother!" Roselyn screams back. "He bit her! The one thing I could do was to take revenge! And the problem with me taking my brother's heart and blood is none of your GODDAMN business!" Roselyn screamed, trying to get to Vladimir to choke the life out of him, but Brandon held her back.

"It is actually! I am a higher rank than you! I should have gotten that royal blood! You had no right-"

"Screw your rank! You fucking high and mighty thinking your so strong with your "rank"." Brandon said, incredibly aggressively.

"You...have no right to talk to me like that!! Fucking mutt!! How DARE YOU!"

"You lay off! You have no right to talk to him like that!!"

"Why should I lay off bitch?! You don't know shit!"

"Would you three quit fighting? You'll wake her up.." Liam states.

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BASTARD! This doesn't concern you!" Vladimir screwmed

"Ummm, pardon me...?" Selina chirps in, sweetly in a very soft voice. Roselyn, Brandon, Liam and Vladimir look at Selina.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but what exactly is going on?" Roselyn walks over to Selina and sits down on a chair next to her. She pulls out a different colored box.

"Kitten", Roselyn says softly. "I'm so glad you're ok sweetie." Roselyn continued, gently hugging Selina, then sitting back in her chair.

"What did you mean I'm ok?" Selina asked softly. "What happened? What are you referring to?" She continued softly, looking up at the three surrounding her bed. "Or...Is this...none of my concern?" She continued, glancing up at Vladimir.

"Yes you got that right.", Vladimir growls.

"Shut the fuck up..." Brandon muttered at him.

"No, it is your concern, love..." Liam stated gently.

"Liam's right.", Roselyn says, putting one of her hands up, cutting him off. "She is involved now. And she has a right to know. Leave us, Vlad. You aren't needed here anyway." Vladimir huffs and then storms out.

"Selina...sweetheart," Roselyn starts. "I'm going to tell you something very important...and I just want you to listen ok?" Selina nodded "I once had a younger sister. She rLinands me of you. One day my brother got bitten. During the fall of my home...Dracula bit me... I pleaded with him. I cried to him to save my sister. I knew that I couldn't beat my brother or him back then, but I knew I could buy them more time to escape...but I failed...I lost not only my family that day...but my fiance and daughter too..they and My little sister were everything to me. But Vladimir Decided that they weren't worth his time and 'saved' me instead.... I still can't get my sister's daughter's cries...and my fiance's last words to me out of my head. I tried to go back, but Vladimir teleported us to Mary. I hate him because he never gave two thoughts about how much more my little sister, my daughter, or my fiance could give. They were human...we all were. And James... Was a monster. Vlad always tells me to be grateful that I was saved. But how can you do that once you've lost the only hope you have left? 'Count your blessings, Rosie...' I DON'T HAVE BLESSINGS! I AM A CURSE! EVERYWHERE I GO, I HAVE TO HURT OR KILL! YOU THINK IT'S EASY BEING THIS WAY?! I EAT THE CANDY SO THEN I DON'T EAT SOMEONE ELSE! BECAUSE ONE DAY, WHEN I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CANDY, I WILL TRY TO EAT SOMEONE! AND ON THAT DAY I WILL WRAP A SHARP FISHING LINE AROUND MY NECK AND JUMP OFF OF A BELL TOWER! SO LOOK AT ME NOW AND TELL ME I'M SANE!" Roselyn puts one hand on her head and the other on her hidden eye.

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