Chapter 12

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The next morning, Selina awoke with a great sorrow in her heart. She realized that she was her friend's only hope of survival and that she would never see them again. She rose out of the bed, and went to the balcony door only to find it locked. She then went to the windows, but they were locked as well. Giving up hope, she went to the wardrobe to find something to change into. She found a solid white blouse along with a pair of jeans. She then removed it from the wardrobe and changed into it.

"Well, It looks okay I guess." She muttered to herself as she surveyed the outfit in the mirror. She then heard the lock to the chamber door click, and she hid behind the large standing mirror as she put on a pair of brown heels.

"Where are you my lovely? I know you didn't escape. I made sure of that. Come out, Come out wherever you are." Selina's heart rate increased and she whimpered.

"Ah, there you are." he peeked behind the mirror, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her close to his broad chest, wrapping his arms around her.

"Good morning my lovely." He looked down into her face and with one hand tilted her face up and kissed her soundly. She tried to wriggle free of his embrace, but he just laughed and tightened it.

"What do you want from me?" she squeaked.

"Too tight?" she nodded, he loosened his embrace a little and claimed her lips again. He then broke off the kiss and replied,

"A simple good morning, would suffice."

"Well, good morning then. Would you be so kind as to release me? Please?" he loosened his grip a little more and she took a deep breath.

"Sorry if I squeezed too hard."

"You Kinda did, But it's okay."

"Why do you protect Ravena? She has done nothing but cause trouble."

"She's my friend."

"That is true. However... I know she is only part vampire. The other part of her is confusing to me. She is nothing like her sister or brother. Can you help me figure out what she is?"

"No," Selina says strongly even though she wanted to collapse and cry.

"Aren't you even a bit curious about what Ravena is?"

"Yes... But I will never help you hurt her!"

"Don't worry. You already are helping me."


"If I send her a letter telling her that I am going to hurt you. She will come running with her tail between her legs."

"No, she won't."

"She will. Because she sees you as the little sister she lost. I will tell you something interesting."


"James only made her sister pass out. He brought her to me. And I sucked her dry!"


"What?! It's not every day you get to feed on rare royal blood. She was so sweet and delicious. But she was a fighter. If she had only joined James and me... She would still be alive!"

"You're a sick evil twisted meany butt!!"

"Tell me, my lovely... Would you kill to save a life? Tell me would you kill... To prove you're right?"


"That's what Queen Mary's vampires do. Especially that irritating cousin of mine, Vladimir, and that stupid little Liam! Help me carry out my master's plan and I won't contact Ravena."

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