Chapter 22

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When Selina awoke the next morning, she saw Roselyn standing above her (her arms were crossed) with Brandon and Allan behind her.

"Mmmmh, Goodmorning." Selina said as she stood up and stretched.

"When were you going to tell us about this?" Roselyn produces the paper with the threat on it.

"Where did you get that?!"

"Where we got it isn't important Lina. THe important thing is, what is this??" Brandon said, taking the paper from Roselyn, and waving it in Selina's face. Selina reached forward and snagged the paper from Brandon's hand.

"It's nothing...Don't worry about it." Selina replied, stuffing the paper into her pocket which it promptly fell out of. "It isn't any of your concern.."

"Don't worry about it?! It isn't any of our concern?! Kitten, do you hear yourself?! Can you stop being such a princess and let us know this type of shit?! That's it! You are going to be under constant supervision! And I don't want to hear any complaints. Until you learn to involve us in this type of stuff, we are going to keep you in our eyesight at ALL times. Now, go inside. And tell us when you are going somewhere or doing something. Am I clear?!"

"No. I won't do that. I am not a child, and I can fight my own battles. And this is one of them." Selina turned tail, and retreated into the forest until she reached a spring.

"Excuse me...? I need you again."

"What can I do for you Darling?"

"They found the threat...I don't know what to do. They over reacted like I thought they would. I can't...I can't keep holding things back. It's tearing me apart." Selina sat down and rested her head on her knees.

"I know darling. It's alright, you can tell them everything. I know how much you trust them, and I also know that they will never betray you." The woman disappeared as Roselyn, Brandon, and Allan came out of the forest.

"Kitten you..." Selina stood up.

"Roselyn, please." Selina cut her off. "I need to tell you all something." Selina took a deep breath, and began.

"I am not what I appear to be..."

"Soooo...", Roselyn replies. "Even more of a reason to keep an eye on you. But we won't have you tell us what you are doing. We will check up..."

"I'm not done...may I finish please? I...I have to protect all of you, and to do that I have to battle Eris. But I can't do that if you don't trust me. I...I Know I'm not good enough, but I can't lose this fight. I can't...I...won't risk losing you or anyone else that I care very deeply about. Please, try to understand." Selina then broke down into tears. "This is my fight...not yours."

"Hmmm", Roselyn contemplated. "Allan, do me a favor? Take Kitten to her tent and make sure she calms down, will you?" Allan nods his head and takes Selina to her room. Roselyn then reached down and grasped the abandoned threat.

"Hey", Allan reassured Selina. "Everything is going to be fine. We are all here for you. We will support you, no matter what. I promise you that." They get to Selina's tent and Allan goes to pick out a dress for his sister. Meanwhile, Selina lays on the makeshift bed to calm herself down. However, a few tents down, Roselyn was packing a backpack. Brandon walks in and froze in his tracks.

"So what's your plan?" Brandon asked.

"I am going to find the person who sent this." Roselyn responds, holding up the threat that she picked up.

"You know that Lina isn't going to allow you to do that."

"That's why I had her go to her tent. Besides, I will be fine."

"Yeah, but even if you do find them, how are you going to convince them to not hurt Lina?"

"I have my ways. If persuasion doesn't work... Then I will just have to use my powers."

"It'd be better for me to need to stay here and watch the children. She'll listen to me." Brandon began.

"But she could also control you, again love. Which is why it's better for me to go."

"That's a good point. But if that's the case, I'm going with you then."

"No. I need you to protect Kitten, and my kids. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course. But then you will have to come back. Do you understand?" Roselyn nodded her head and closed her backpack. She grabbed a coat and kissed Brandon before she walked out of the room. She walks out of the castle and to the stables to grab a horse. She leaves before Selina can get dressed.

After Selina is dressed, Diana sends her a telepathic message.

Selina, Roselyn went to find Eris. YOU HAVE TO STOP HER SHE'S NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO FIGHT OFF THE DARKNESS! After you find her, you have to find the tree of life. You won't get your Celestial powers, nor will you live past the end of the day.

"Guy dang it Roselyn!" Selina rushed out of her tent and was stopped by Allan.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to stop Roselyn. She went after Eris, this is MY fight. I have to go. If you want to come, get Brandon and follow me....please..." Allan got Brandon, they packed up the stuff and the three set off to find Roselyn.

Roselyn stopped to rest for a while in a clearing, and Selina, Allan, and Brandon came out of the forest and into the clearing. Selina ran forward and gripped Roselyn's shoulders.

"What were you thinking? You can't go after Eris! It's my battle, I have to fight it, not you." Roselyn stood up and shook Selina off.

"DAMN YOU Allan! All you had to do was keep her there. But did you? NOOO!"

"Roselyn...please leave Allan out of this...This is my choice...If i die during the fight, then oh well." Selina laughed. "I just...don't want to lose you to the darkness...ok? Please, please don't fight my fight."

"No. Nothing about this is okay. Why did you stop me? I'm doing this for you and Brandon, you know." Roselyn relented.

"Yes but you could die too, leaving behind your children and boyfriend. I'm NOT letting you throw your life like that."

"I hope you know I'm NOT okay with this Kitten." Roselyn said again, looking somewhat upset.

"Well...that's tough." Selina said, as strongly as she could. "I am not going to let you go into a suicide mission that will get you killed and leave your kiddos without you. I'm the only one who can fight this. And you're just going to have to deal with it." she continued, as strongly as she could, before backing off and hiding behind Brandon.

" that we're all together. We should head out to the Tree of Life so we can get our powers to defeat Eris. My mom's a strong opponent...we're gonna need all the power we can get."

"Definitely. Shall we go then?" Roselyn asked.

"Let's go then." they then set off for Angora.

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