Chapter 20

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When Selina awoke she felt extremely weak. All she could manage was to sit up, and that took all the strength she had.

"Good morning." Kate said as she entered the room, "How are you feeling today?"

"Weak, tired."

"So same as yesterday?"

"Worse. Have you heard from Roselyn?"

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry."

"It's's better if she doesn't know..."

Allan, Roselyn, Brandon, and Diana had reached Daria. The gates were open, and they ventured inside. Allan then led them to Regina's throne room.

"Ah! Visitors! So nice of you to come for a visit Allan. You too Ravena."

"Where is Lilly, Regina?"

"Oh, she's here, somewhere. Katie dear, Go get her."

Kate left, went to Selina's room.

"They are here. Regina wants you to go to the throne room...i'll help you."

"I can walk on my own thank you very much."

"No, you can't. You're too weak." Kate stated as she helped Selina out to Regina's throne room.

She looked up when they got there, and saw her friends and brother, and tried to walk to them.

"Allan? You came.." Selina lost consciousness and fell backward onto the ground, landing on a rug that kept her from cracking her skull.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER YOU WITCH?!?!" Brandon tried to rush at Regina, but both Roselyn and Allan held him back.


"Brandon no. She'll kill her." Allan whispered in her ear.

"Smart boy, Allan."

"I am not a little boy anymore Regina. Let her go."

"Hmm, uh no. If I let her go, I want something in return."

"What do you want in return?"

"For those who were involved with my husband's death to die!"

"They are already dead." Selina whispered.

"What!?" Regina glares at Selina.

"He was the cause of his own death. Lord Dracula and Ambrose were too. They are all dead."

"I don't believe you! My husband would never affiliate himself with those men!" Regina sent a spell Selina's way that silenced her and rendered her unconscious.

"If you want her Allan, you have to fight for her. Last time we fought, I won. Are you willing to fight with your little cousin's life on the line?" Regina glances at Allan.

"Yes, but only if you fight fair, and I have a partner by my side to fight with."

"Fine. Two against one, choose your partner out of your little group." The four huddled together and decided who would fight.

"I should." Roselyn said. "I'm the most powerful."

"No. you can't. You have a past with her, and you want revenge. Brandon will fight with me."

"Why me?"

"Because, you love her like I do. Are you willing to let her die?"

"No, I'm not."

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