chapter 25

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When Selina awoke the next morning, she saw a note on her bedside table. She picked it up and read it as she sat up.

"~Selina, Please meet me at the lake in 20 minutes. Bring Roselyn and Brandon with you. ~Andromeda."

Selina got up, changed into a pair of pants and a billowy white peasant blouse, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and put on her heeled boots. She then went out her door, and knocked on Roselyn's. After a few moments, the door opened.

"Mo-*yawn*-rning kitten. What's up?"

"Roselyn, Andromeda wants me to meet her at the lake in 20 minutes, and she said to bring you and Brandon with me. Can you help me get him up?"

"Yeah, sure. Give me a few minutes." Roselyn then closed the door, changed clothes, and opened the door again.

"Okay. see you in the garden." The two parted ways and got everyone up.

By the time they all got to the lake, Andromeda was waiting for them.

"Good morning, all of you."

"Morning...what's the reason that we're out here very early in the morning?"

"I have a very good reason. The fight is very close. I know that you both will not let Selina go alone, and I haven't had the chance to train you two, but I have something that will greatly help you." Andromeda produced a navy colored box, and opened it. "These are your Celestial charms. They will enhance your fighting skills, offer additional protection, and slightly enhance your magic powers." Andromeda passed Roselyn and Brandon their charms. "I warn you though, If any of you give into the darkness while in the Dark realm, the consequences could be very drastic."

"We understand Andromeda." Brandon said as he pulled Roselyn close.

"Good. Now go pack what you will need for a fight. You leave at dusk." Andromeda disappeared, and Roselyn turned to Brandon.



"Can you promise me something?"


"That we both will make it out of the fight alive, not only for each other, but for Edmund, Akira, and Yuki too?" small tears fell down Roselyn's face.

"I promise you, we will get out of this alive." Brandon said, smiling. "And to seal that promise.." Brandon began, as he got down on one knee. And opened a small dark crimson box to reveal a black ring with a bright red stone. "Roselyn, Will you marry me?" Roselyn's tears stopped.

"He...asked goodness..."

"Yes! Yes, yes! A thousand times YES!" Brandon stood up and placed the ring on her finger. She then flew at him, wrapping him in an ecstatic hug, and kissed him. As their auras merged, they became an extremely bright neon rose color. They then went hand in hand back to the palace.

Back at the palace, Selina was frantically looking for her sword, and couldn't find it.

"Looking for this?" Vladimir asked from the doorway.

"YES! Where did you find it?" Selina rushed forward, and took the sword from Vladimir's hand, shrunk it to a dagger size and stuck it in her holster that rested on her thigh.

"It was in the training room by the bench."

"Oh. I must have left it there yesterday." Selina turned to continue packing. She then heard the ripping of flesh, turned around, and saw Vladimir holding a glass to his wrist.

"W-what are you doing? S-stop that...stop it..." Vladimir ignored her and continued to siphon his own blood. When he finished, he healed his wrist and held out the glass to Selina.

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