Chapter 1: The Letters

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One rainy summer morning on the first of August,in the kitchen of Malfoy Manor there sat Draco and his parents. They were peacefully eating until an owl flew at the closed window.

Draco got up from his seat and opened the window,the owl flow in with two letters in his foot and dropped them on the table and left though the same window. "Who are they from?" Lucius asked "one is from Y/n and-" Narcissa was then cut off my Draco grabbing he letter from Y/n out of her hands.

"Will you let your mother finsh her sentence" Lucius said in a srcait voice "sorry father" Draco said before returning to his seat. "It's okay Draco anyway the other one is from Hogwarts with your school supplies" Narcissa said to Draco but he wasn't paying attention to her he was already reading the letter from Y/n.

In the kitchen of Y/l/n Manor Y/n sat with her parents "so did you ever send Draco that letter you wrote him?" Her mom asked "yeah why?" Y/n replied "no reason just wondering" her mother said. A few minutes later and owl hit the window with a BANG which made everyone jump.

The girls father got up and got the letter that the owl had and sent it off. "It's from Hogwarts" he said "really I've been waiting for that" Y/n said with joy in her voice her father handed the letter to her. She began to read the school supplies out loud "well looks like we'll have to go to Diagon Alley" her mother said.

 (A Draco Malfoy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now