Chapter 20: Draco's p.o.v

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It was now the last day of summer I was packing up my things when there was a knock on my door "come in" I called out while grabbing a few thing of the drawer and putting them on my bed the door opened it was Y/n and she was in tears.

"What's worng?" I asked while walking up to her then pulling her into a hug " parents got a device" she cried into my chest "it's going to be okay I'm here" I said I wasn't completely sure what to say to her and I wasn't completely sure if it was going to be okay but I knew one thing for sure I was never going to leave her. I had most of my things packed up so I spent the whole day in bed cuddling with Y/n in hopes to make her feel better.

It was four in the morning when I woke up so I decided to finish packing my things we went to Diagon Alley for our things already so I just needed to pack the last of my things before I was good to go. I tried to stay as quite as possible so Y/n wouldn't wake up I put the last thing in my bag when I heard Y/n quietly call my name "Draco" she called for the bed "yes" I said while sitting down beside her "can you lay with me?" She asked "sure love" I whispered while laying down next to her small body.

We were waken up by Y/n's mom knocking on the door "wake up or you'll be late and miss the train" she called I could hear her footsteps moving towards the staircase "wake up draling" I whispered gently to Y/n who was still asleep "fine" she said but didn't move an inch I got up and got ready before trying to wake her up again but still she didn't move so I grabbed a glass that was on the nightstand and went into the bathroom and filled it with water and headed back to the bed.

I poured it on top of her head she sat up immediately she turned and looked at me "how could you Draco" she said while giving me the death look "you wouldn't wake up so I had to now get ready" I said while walking out of the room. Once I was downstairs Y/n's mom smiled at me "good morning I'm glad your up" she said "morning" I said Y/n walked into the room just as her mother was going to say something else "good your both up now get your things we'er going to be late" she said while putting her cup of coffee down and heading towards the door.

Y/n and I grabbed our things and headed to the carriage "bye now have a good last year" her mother said once we were on the train "bye mom" Y/n called and waved. We find an empty compartment and sat down "so what do you plan on doing after school?"
Y/n asked "umm I don't know yet" I said "my mom wanted me to stay home after I had finished school" she said while looking out the window my mom and dad wanted me to work at the Ministry Of Magic I didn't so we get into a fight they win like always.

Once we were oof the train we headed to the carriages we sat with a few other kids Y/n's best friend Mia was there so they talked about their summer the while trip to the castle. Once we reached the castle we walked into the Great Hall we saw the first years get shorted then eat before we headed up to bed.

 (A Draco Malfoy X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora