Chapter 28: Draco's p.o.v

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Today was the day we would finally get our test results Y/n was walking around in circles in my room waiting "hey I think that's enough walking around in circles for today" I said while trying to get her to stop "no I'll be fine" she said I picked her up "hey put me down" she laughed "fine" I said then throw her on the bed. She sat up while laughing I sat down next to her we begin talking about what we wanted to do after school when someone knocked on the door I got up and opened it "hey the test results are here" she said while handing me mine and Y/n's "thanks" I said and shut the door.

I handed Y/n's hers and opened mine up "what you got?" Y/n asked "I passed you" I said looking at her "I passed to" she said with a smile on her face. Y/n left around 3:00 in the morning I got ready for bed the next morning I woke up today was the first Quidditch game for the year I put on my uniform and headed downstairs for breakfast, when I got in the Great Hall all of the Slytherins were wishing me good luck I sat down next to Y/n. We talked about the game I left with the rest of the Quidditch team to got ready for the game we walked onto the pitch there were 'boos' coming from all the others house beside Slytherin.

We played against Ravenclaw and won the game after my feet touched the ground all of the Slytherins came running to me after I pushed my way through the crowd I saw Y/n standing be the stands, I walked up to her "you do great" she said while smiling at me "thanks" I said while trying to hug her "no way you can have a hug after you shower" she said while giggling I rolled my eyes and headed to shower.
I was sitting on my bed when Y/n walked through "what's up?" She asked while sitting down next to me "not much you" I said while laying down "nothing that's why I'm there" she said "what do you wanna do?" She asked "I have an idea" I said while smirking at her she rolled her eyes at me "I'll give you a reason to roll your eyes" I said and pulled her on top of me.

We started to make out when someone knocked on the door "go away" I yelled the door opened to reveal Snape "I'm gonna go" Y/n said while getting up and walking out the door "what's up?" I asked him "your dad sent me a letter for you" he said while handing me a letter and then left I opened the letter and read:

Dear Draco

me and your mother decided that you will leave school on Monday morning

Your father

That meant that I would leave three days before school ended I immediately got up and sat down on my chair that was in front of my desk and began writing to my mother because she would understand that I wanted to stay till school ended. Once I finished I re-read what I had wrote to her

Dear mother

I really appreciate the offer to go home earlier I would love that but I really want to stay until school ends I hope you guys understand


I knew that they wouldn't understand that I wanted to stay and finish school with everyone else but I hoped that the would I then sent the letter off and headed to bed. The next morning I was woken up by tapping at my window I walked over to it and opened the window an brown owl flow though it was the Malfoys family owl it flew off after it dropped an letter on my desk I walked over to it and picked it up and began to read

Dear Draco

I understand that you want to stay longer but your grandma just died so we have to go to her funeral and I also know that you want to stay is because Y/n is there so that's why if you come home she could come with you and come to the funeral

Love your mother

I really wanted to stay but if I did then my father would be angery that I stayed I put the letter down and headed to Y/n's dorm room I knocked on the door "hey what's worng it's like 6:00 in the morning on a Sunday morning" Y/n said while rubbing her eyes "umm I have to go home for a funeral and I was wondering if you wanted to come with" I said while looking at the floor "sure when do we have to go?" She asked "umm tomorrow" I said while looking at her "okay I'll come" she said with a soft smile "really" I said "yeah I just need to pack" she said then gave my a kiss I left to pack my things.

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