Chapter 11: Y/N'S p.o.v

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It is two months later and Christmas was around the corner.

It has been colder this Christmas then the ones before but I liked the cold because I had an excuse to be in blankets by the fire with a book in my hands. I was walking back from the Great Hall when a snow ball hit my in the head I turned and saw that Draco had thrown it at me, I picked up a hand full of snow and then formed it into a snow ball and then trow it at Draco it turned into a snow ball fight.

After that we headed back to the common room together, when we got in it was empty it was odd that on one was here but it was dinner time. We talked by the fire to warm up a bit before we headed to Draco's dorm room, "so the Yule Ball is coming up do you have a date?" Draco asked "if your trying to ask me your going to have to try harder" I said "no I was just wondering" he said taking off his hat "no you?" I said "nope" he replied I would have thought that he would seeing how many girls have a crush on him that he would have asked one for them out already.

It was now 11:30 at night and we got up here at 6:15 at night Draco walked me back to my dorm then left. When I walked into the dorm it was empty so Pansy most still have been at dinner getting, I finished some homework right when Pansy brust into the dorm room "how could you I thought we were best friends" she yelled. What was she talking about I thought "what?" I asked "you know what why would you try and take my boyfriend" she yelled even louder " first,are you talking about Draco and second, we are not best friends." I said

"Whatever yes I'm talking about Draco the Yule Ball is coming up and I want Draco to ask me but if your always hanging out with him then he never ask me" she yelled but not as loud "I'm not hanging out with me all the time and you should make an effort to hang out with him if you want him to ask you" I said the left to the common room. It has been a few days and me and draco have been hanging out with each other more and Pansy grew madder everytime she saw us. Tonight Draco had asked me to meet him on the Astronomy Tower.

 Tonight Draco had asked me to meet him on the Astronomy Tower

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(The Outfit)

Once I was there I saw him standing by the railing he was wearing his black suit he turned around and saw me. "Hey you look nice like always" he said his words made me blush a little "is someone blushing" he said making fun of me "shut up" I said then walked to stand by him. He seemed to be nervous about something "are you okay?" I asked "y-yeah" he said "Y/n I need to ask you something" he said "okay" I said turning to look at him "will you- will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked I have been hoping he would ask me to the ball "yes of course" I said smiling.

It was the day me and my friends go dress shopping we all were excited to go. We walked into the shop that sold all the dresses and shoes we tried on so many dresses and shoes it was harder then we expected it be like as we were shopping Pansy walked in I wonder who had asked Pansy. She left before us, after what felt to be like years all my friends had picked out a pair of shoes and a dress it was just me left they helped me shop around once I had me dress we headed into the shop that sold all of the things to go with the outfit. Once we were a done I went into my dorm room and put my dress and the other thing I had got into a place in know Pansy wasn't going to check.

 (A Draco Malfoy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now