Chapter 22: Draco's p.o.v

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I was sitting at the dinner table and noticed that Y/n wasn't anywhere in the Great Hall I stood up and began walking towards the doors when I felt a hand grab onto my arm "where are you going?" Pansy asked "nowhere" I said then pulled my hand out of hers the I left the Great Hall in search of

I looked in her and Pansy's dorm room first but she wasn't there I began to look all over the school for her but still she was nowhere to be seen. I finally headed back to my room once I begin to feel tried I figured that she might have been with Mia because she wasn't at dinner tonight as well I wake up the next morning and headed down towards the Great Hall. On my way there I heard alot of whispers coming for a group of girl once I got here I saw Mia and the rest of Y/n's friends.

"Hey have you seen Y/n I couldn't find her yesterday?" I asked "haven't you heard Y/n's in the Hospital Wig" Mia said her eyes began to water I ran out of the Great Hall and headed to the Hospital Wig. Once I got here Y/n was laying on one of the beds she was completely still I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see that it was only Madam Pomfrey "will she be all right?" I asked considered "we'er not sure" she said with a sad look on her face "what happened?" I asked while looking down at the completely still girl in front of me

After Madam Pomfrey told me what happened to her I left the Hospital Wig I went to find Pansy right away. I saw her sitting on the couch by the fire in the common room no one else was there because it was really late at night I spent the whole day with Y/n instead of going to class. "Hey Draco why weren't you in class today?" She asked "no of your business" I said and sat down next to her "come on I won't tell" she said while moving closer to me "I was in the Hospital Wig with Y/n because she was pushed in the Black Lake" I said "oh that's to bed" Pansy said "well now that she's gone you could spend time with me and we could start dating" she said in her annoying voice.

I left Pansy in the common room and headed back to my dorm room I got ready for bed but I couldn't sleep at all because I was thinking about Y/n. The next morning I got ready because I had Quidditch practice today the first game was in a few weeks and we needed all the practice we could get, after practice I was walking back up to the castle with Blaise and Goyle when Mia came up to me "Y/n is awake and is asking for you" she said "well you can tell her Draco won't be coming" Blaise said while laughing with Goyle I left Blaise and Goyle and ran up to the Hospital Wig to see Y/n.

Once I got there she was looking at all the gifts people had left her her she turned her head saw me standing in the door way looking at her I smiled at myself "well you coming in or not" she said with a smile on her face I walked in and sat on her bed "when did you wake up?" I asked "this morning" she said while we sat there talking for a bit before Madam Pomfrey kicked me out because Y/n had to rest.

It had been two days since Y/n had waken up I visited her everyday after class and druning lunch I was in Snape's class the last class of the day Snape told the class to leave everyone starting putting their things away as fast as they could do they could leave as I was walking out the door Snape called "not so fast Mr. Malfoy you stay behid" I turned around and shut the door "what did I do worng?" I asked "nothing I just got all of Mrs. Y/l/n's homework you'll have to give them to her" he said while handing me a huge stack of homework for Y/n to do while in the Hospital Wig.

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