Chapter 12: Draco's p.o.v

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It was almost time for the Yule Ball and I know exactly what to wear of course it was one of my many black suits Blaise how every didn't have any thing to wear so we went down to Hogsmeade and looked around the shop that sold all of the dresses and suits I looked across the window and saw Y/n and her friends shopping and laughing about something. I helped Blaise pick out his suit then we headed back to Hogwarts he put the suit up in his closet it has been a year since I was in a shared room, I like my own dorm room better.

"Come on mate tell me who are going with" I said Blaise still hadn't told me who he saw taking to the Ball I've been asking him for weeks now and still nothing. "No you'll find out the day of the Ball" he said that was a week away and I had lost all of my patience "mate come on just tell me" I said he still refused to tell me who he was taking.

I went back to my dorm I was up all night thinking about Y/n I couldn't get her off my mind but I really didn't want to stop thinking about her at all. It was the first Quidditch game of the winter time it was Slytherins vs Gryffindor, I saw a small gold thing flying around I flew down towards it but Potter beat me to it I hit Potters broom and he hit mine back. After a few minutes it disappeared I was back to watching out for it I saw the small gold thing again and chased after it but it disappeared again. It was 30 vs 30 I then heard Lee Jordan say "10 points to Slytherin" which now means we were in the lead I saw a small gold ball a few ways away I went after it. I then cought the Snitch and the game ended we had win the game for the first time since Potter joined the Gryffindor team.

Once I reached the ground all of the Slytherins came down and congratulated me on winning the game. Out of the conor of my eye I saw Y/n leading on the side of the wall to the locker rooms. Once I was able to get pass the crowed of people I went up to Y/n "good job on winning the game" she said "thanks" I said we started talking then I left to go and get changed in the locker rooms. We spent the rest of the day together and she spent all night in my dorm room with me.

 (A Draco Malfoy X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin