Chapter 5: Y/N'S p.o.v

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In the morning I woke up to my mom yelling for my to wake up and get ready, that's when I realized that today I was going to Hogwarts so I quickly got out of bed and put on my uniform and robe before heading downstairs. When I got there I sat down in my seat and started eating before it was time to go, I didn't have much time due to the fact I had woken up late when we got to the platform I said goodbye to my parents before getting on the train.

When I was on the train I started looking for an empty compartment, when I find one I looked out the window and saw my parents had left. A later while later I was joined by my best friend Draco Malfoy we started talking the train began to move and after a few minutes Pansy,Blaise walked in "hey guys" Pansy said to be honest she was getting more annoying as the years went on.

Once we finally reached Hogwarts we got off the train and headed to the Great Hall, I was so hungry but we to watch the first years get shorted I zoned out mid-way through it we also had to listen to Dumbledore give his speech it was boring like always. Once he finished the food appeared and we all started to eat, after that we headed back to our common rooms I stayed up for a while talking with my friends before headed to my dorm I was sharing with Pansy which I was mad about but at least she wasn't here right now.

I had a few minutes before she come in the dorm "why do I have to see your annoying face" she said "well you could leave and then you wouldn't" I said getting my clothes from my drawer "I was here first you leave" she said staying on her bed "no you just came in I was in here first" I said walking into the bathroom "no when you were in the common room I was in here" she said doing something in the room because I could hear stuff being moved around "I saw you in he common room to don't lie" I said getting into the shower she said nothing after that because she know I was right.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Pansy's alarm I got out of bed she was still asleep I grabbed my uniform and headed into the bathroom,when I was out she was up "I don't know why you set an alarm if you don't ever wake up when it goes off" I said doing my tie "whatever" she said pushing pass me. I grabbed my book and made my way down the corridor when I heard my name being called " Y/n I've been calling you since you left the common room" Draco said I stopped so he could catch up to me "sorry I didn't hear you" I said and started walking with Draco next to me "no shit if you heard me you would've stoped" he said "what are you thinking about?" He asked "why do you think that" I asked "because you always stop when I call your name" he said " what if I just got tired of you" I said he faked gasped "rude" we both laughed.

After all of my classes I headed to the Great Hall to get lunch I saw Pansy sitting next to Draco and Blaise was across from them it made me mad to see that Pansy was sitting next to him that wasn't a thing that really got to me. I took a seat next to Blaise "oh why are you here" she said clearly mad that I sat down with them "where do you want me to sit every other seat is full" I said "you could seat on the ground" she said we ended up fighting and she ended up leaving. It was around 11:00 at night the common room was empty almost empty the only people in here was me and Draco.

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