New Book

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So I decided to make a book out of my last imagine.

So I decided to make a book out of my last imagine

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^This is going to be the cover^

I think I'm going to write the whole book in the 3rd Person POV.

I think I'm going to write the whole book in the 3rd Person POV

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^This is kind of her style^

She has this old fashioned style. Like long skirts or dresses and well... These kind of pants and stuff. She isn't really the one with a phone or anything. I'm also changing a bit of the story... So that will make more sense.

Sry if you don't like this.

It's kind of a Five x Reader story and a Five x OC because she is going to be named Y/N but I'll describe how she looks like. She still has your eye color and all. Maybe I'll decide about the hair color and if she's tall or short.

I'm going to describe her Powers in the book. I'll try and do long chapters. I have school soon so it will take a bit with the updates.

The first few chapters are going to be before Five time travels. I'll try and describe her outfits as good as I can. I'm not really good at that...

So yeah... I hope you'll like it.


Aidan/Five x Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now