𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙋𝙩.2 {𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩}

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Jisung didn't know that his first breakfast with Minho would be one of many. Minho had decided to accept an offer he made and move in with him, much to Jisung's delight because of the quick attachment. After much shopping and getting settled in, the two had started living together.

Jisung was making their 94th breakfast that they would have together in that kitchen.

(Yes, he had counted each day. It wasn't much over three months.)

The boy was flipping an omelet when Minho entered the room, but not with his now usual smile.

"I'm ready." He mumbled quietly, playing with his sleeve.

Jisung raised his eyebrow. What could he mean?

"Tell me what, Min?"

"The day you found me...I'm ready to tell you what happened."

The boy immediately turned off the stove, quickly slapping the omelet onto a plate and then covering it before speedily situating himself on the couch. He beckoned Minho over to the seat next to him, immediately taking his hand.

This was a touchy topic, one that Minho had avoided talking about for a long time because he was uncomfortable. But now, it seemed that he trusted Jisung enough to tell the tale.

"Take your time, I won't rush you." Jisung muttered, his arm reaching out from behind and then wrapping around Minho's side, letting the boy slouch into him. Minho's head had lain on his shoulder as he took a deep breath, beginning his story.

"Last year, I got into a relationship after a blind date my friend had set up with a highschool classmate. His name was Youngjo. He became my boyfriend."

Jisung sucked in a breath, not liking the weird discomposure he felt from hearing those words.

"I moved in with him despite still being a high schooler. He was the sweetest, always spoiling me with gifts and never spending time away. He was never busy, and kept me a priority, not to mention how he cared so much for my safety. I thought it was normal at first, just some cute and loving gestures, a little bit of protectiveness over his boyfriend."

Minho seemed to reminisce, a soft smile appearing on his face. Not that the smile reached his eyes, though. His eyes became dark as he continued.

"Then came the time when was having trouble with my exams, so a teacher of mine decided to enroll me in the tutoring system. I got the much needed help from an extracurricular junior- his name was Hwanwoong. Hwanwoong actually told me that he liked Youngjo when he stopped by to get me an americano at the library, not knowing that Youngjo and I were in a relationship. I told Youngjo this of course. It was a silly crush, why not?"

"That turned out to be a huge mistake . A week later Hwanwoong stopped tutoring me, and began avoiding me overall. He never specified what happened until one of his friends, Keonhee, explained to me that Youngjo had beaten up the poor junior, threatening to make the pain daily if he didn't stop talking to me."

Minho's voice was laced with distaste, his hand gripping Jisung's free one.

Jisung muttered an 'Ahh...'  in understanding, lips pursing grimly.

So Youngjo was a possessive bastard.

"I confronted him the next day about it, and he looked disgustingly proud of himself. Youngjo started bullshitting me with this 'He was getting in the way of our relationship' crap. The poor kid was crushing on him for gods sake, why not just lightly reject him? Hwanwoong didn't even go after me, he was a sassy but sweet kid. Naturally, I got angry and yelled at him."

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