𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 {𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛}

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Summary: A drunken Minho can't keep his mouth shut and hands to himself. His victim? The tired boyfriend, Han Jisung.


"Minho move your damn arm out of my way, I can't fucking see!"

"Oh, so are you choosing the road over me now? You can't even-hic-pay attention to me when we're alone!"

The bickering of one drunk and one frantic sober man was the only available noise in Lee Minho's car. Was he the one driving? Of course not. After clubbing with his friends and getting hammered, Minho was in no state to drive. So of course, he called his busybody bookworm boyfriend to come and pick him up.

(With the assistance of his sobered up buddy, Seo Changbin.)

Jisung was quite pissed at his boyfriend. For one, he drank two bottles of soju after promising he'd be sober enough to drive himself home. That was obviously a lie, seeing how now Jisung had to drive the male's car back to their flat.

Alas, even that wasn't the worst part of their trek back home.

Lee Minho. He was already a clingy boyfriend when in his right mind, constantly vying to get the attention of his boyfriend- for example, distracting him at his table so he could have something to cuddle during the watching of a movie.

That was him sober. But intoxicated? He was a whole different level of needy. The fool craved attention so badly that he threw away common road safety and logic to earn even a few seconds of his boyfriend's gaze. And whenever he couldn't get close enough to do that, he was whining about a lack of skinship, trying to kiss the younger anywhere his lips would reach in their side by side seats.

Minho lazily stamped his foot against the flooring of his car, reaching over to shake Jisung's shoulder.

"C'mon, Jisungie. Just a quick kiss? On the-hic-cheek, even."

"Min we're in a rushed line, please cooperate with me here."

Jisung quickly changed lanes to a more open one, cursing as he was too stressed to indicate the turn and resulting in a honk from two cars behind.

Minho's head shot up, hitting the seat head rest but not fazing him. "Two honks! You know what that means..? Aha...one honk for each pair of lips, and then they-hic-kiss!"

A groan left Jisung's body as he took a risks and began steering the car with one wheel, using the other to block any attempt Minho would launch in pursuit of a kiss. The elder's lips were puckered, and he had managed to get close enough to the point where Jisung could actively smell the alcohol on his breath.

The moment Minho began to retreat, he put his right hand back on the wheel. The older was now sulking in his seat, body turned away from Jisung as much as it could be.

Just another delight of drunk Minho: his ultimate man-child form. He would become quite petty and childish, but thankfully this only happened as an indication that he was about to sober up. Jisung would only have to deal with his moodiness for a little bit longer.

Minho sighed dramatically, a bit of a whine noticeable in his pitch. He clearly still wanted his boyfriend's attention but said boy was not willing to give it while they were still on an open road. His foot sluggishly began kicking the flooring, Minho still trying to find some sort of activity to entertain himself and distract the urge to throw himself at Jisung once again.

Jisung heard a sniffle from his right, eyes widening in disbelief. 

"Lee Minho, do not tell me you are crying right now."

The wail in response only confirmed his suspicion, Jisung mentally cursing the emotional blob of man that was his boyfriend. Just why exactly did he agree to a relationship like this?

Minho rubbed his nose with his sleeve, a loud sniffle getting muffled in the process. "I-I want kisses-and cuddles-but you don't want to give me any! You-hic-you probably don't even love me anymore!"

For some odd reason, hearing his partner's intoxicated cries demanding affection pried open a hole of sympathy in Jisung's workplace of a heart. To be fair, he had been quite busy these past few days, and  Minho was a human of high maintenance who always wanted to be near someone or just having a sort of skinship. Usually it was just Minho making Jisung sit in his lap while the male was doing his taxes or paperwork. What type of boyfriend would Jisung be if he kept pushing away the elder's wants like this? Seeing Minho sad wasn't something he planned to witness on his agenda, not at all. 

So knowing very well he was risking their safety, Jisung took his right hand off of the wheel once again, only this time he offered it to the still sniffling male in the passenger seat.

"Here Min, do whatever you'd like."

As soon as Jisung had muttered those words, Minho spun around in his seat and eagerly took Jisung's outstretched hand, beginning to play with the boy's fingers and just hold them close to himself. Bringing it up to his lips, he pecked the boy's knuckles, eyeing the boy from his side profile and giggling when his cheeks began to puff up.

Jisung definitely should have thought his actions through. Because while this was just to get his worn out boyfriend to calm down, he felt his own cheeks begin to burn. He may or may not have forgot that intoxicated or not, Minho was a charming person, and knew just how to make him feel ways.

The sight of a streetlight turning from green to yellow relieved Jisung, for now he could stop and relax just a bit before the next green light. It finally turned red, and the 250 second countdown began until it would turn green again and they could plow forward with a hopefully more sobered up Minho.

But before he could even close his eyes against his seat, Jisung felt his hand pulled to his side, his body involuntarily being yanked towards where the force came from to stop himself from colliding into Minho's chest with his hands. Minho put one hand behind his back, holding Jisung firmly while holding the boy's face up to meet his.

The look in Minho's eyes alone made Jisung's insides churn, heartbeat picking up rapidly. Oh, he had definitely sobered up quite a bit. A teasing smile slipped onto his face as he stroked the boy's cheek with his thumb delicately, leaning even closer as Jisung made a faint sound of surprise. The younger's eyes frantically searched Minho's, only seeing the glint of desire swallowing him whole before shutting his eyes expectantly.

Minho chuckled, pressing a finger against the boy's lips. "I thought this wasn't a place for intimacy?"

He only heard a growl in return, Jisung taking Minho's finger and pulling the male's hand to cup his face once again. The male leaned closer, cursing just how quickly his demeanor could change.

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me already." He whined, Minho finally leaning in to connect their lips.

Just as he was about to, however, the streetlight flashed green, startling Jisung as he wanted to very much break the system for ruining his chance at getting a kiss. He began to pull away, yet Minho didn't let him budge, turning the boy's face towards himself. He pressed his lips against Jisung's, kissing his pretty pink lips sweetly as if cars weren't honking at them to go forward.

As he pulled away, Jisung didn't dare look at Minho or complain about his clinginess. He pressed the gas, body aflame and just wondering how he withstood Minho's touch for the first part of their ride home.


i dont know what went wrong with my updating patterns but just bare with me.

- Abby <33

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