𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 {𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛}

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Requested by: hanjisungisbae


Summary: Minho waits for his workaholic boyfriend past midnight.

A wail left Lee Minho's body as he threw himself onto his couch, clutching a worn pillow like it was a lifeline. His world was ending, as fatal words from his phone rang in his head.

How could this be done to him? Minho thought himself to be a pretty damn good boyfriend. He was obedient, could cook, and was a very needy person. Who wouldn't keep him their priority?

A sigh was heard from the phone which had been left on speaker mode lying pathetically on the floor.


"You promised, you bastard!" He shouted from his spot on the couch. Minho really didn't deserve this type of treatment, from his own boyfriend to say at the least.

The opening of a door sounded from Jisung's side of the phone, but the angered Lee did not care and thus plowed on with his fuming.

"You promised me that tonight would be movie night! And that we'd cuddle on the couch- and- and then shout at the stupid leads and their stupid ass choices in the horror films! But here you fucking are, in that stupid ass recording room of yours shitting stupid ass songs out of your stupid asses with that sharp chinned fucker and the bleach bitch!"

As he huffed, quiet came from the other line. Minho realized only then that it was because the two others he had ranted about were in the exact same recording studio as his boyfriend. In that same place.

A cough sounded. "It's...it's not sharp. Why're you coming for me, man? Jisung's the screw up for writing his lyrics and then forgetting them the next day."

"Don't listen to him darling- I'll be back soon okay baby? Just wait a teensy bit for me, and we'll do everything."


Ending the call with a hmph, Minho didn't necessarily know what to do with the remaining time he had.

He did love Jisung's passion for his career and his rapping was definitely hot as hell but when it came in between the affectionate time he could be having with the male, it upset him.

Minho wasn't a very touchy person in the first place. He was hesitant around those he didn't trust due to the fear of being harmed. But when the ever so casual Han Jisung came his way two years ago, he couldn't help but soften just the tiniest bit for him. There was just something so relaxing and comforting that came with being held by Jisung. To be cared for was a great feeling and whenever the younger male was around him he knew he was going to be pampered and taken care of.

Tonight was a special night for them, their monthly movie night. Minho had prepared a mass of things to do following the fun night they were going to have, but of course his boyfriend just had to get busy last minute. He had kept reminding the man that he couldn't be late to their special night or else he wouldn't be opening the door for him but Jisung just couldn't take a break for him.

Minho knew the boy's two workmates, Chan and Changbin. They helped him with the production of his songs and along also produced several hits and tracks, going under the pen name of 3racha amongst the sea of underground rappers. What Minho also knew was that they paced themselves well and spread their timetables nicely, and had even encouraged Jisung to do so. But Jisung didn't listen to them nor follow their simplistic and easy schedules, he crammed all his work in one go and then suffered the consequences afterwards every single time.

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