𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙋𝙩.1 {𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛}

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inspired by mxnsvnq's 'Hello'. Go check that out! ^^

Summary: Jisung has a massive crush on his neighbor, which is why he tries avoiding the said male. Keyword: Tries.


[Jisung POV]

*disclaimer: i have never written in first pov so if this sucks do blame my inexperienced buttocks.*

I just so happened to be neighbors with my crush, which is usually a good thing.


Not in this case.

You see, Lee Minho is the epitome of everything that is flawless, handsome, and breathtaking. I am literally blinded by the glow-y aura that he emits everyday.

Now, I'm usually good at flirting. But whenever that god-looking guy appears my legs get wobbly and I suddenly forget every language that I speak.

I'm never in my element when he comes by, which has forced me to resort to the only way I can't embarrass myself:



It's 9:00, a little earlier than I usually wake up, but I guess certain things have to be sacrificed for the greater good.

The greater good being not embarrassing myself in front of Minho.

I ruffled my tangled blue bed-hair, walking into the washroom with a pair of black jeans and a pale blue sweatshirt to cover a seemingly ugly beige shirt I wanted to get rid of but wanted to wear out first. I walked out only after forcing myself through a cold shower to make myself more aware and awake. Breakfast was a monstrosity that only slightly resembled a stack of pancakes. I checked the time to see when I should get going.

9:40 AM

According to my research, Minho regularly comes out at 10:00 AM, so I assumed it would be fine if I savored my food and then left 10 minutes before. Getting a bit nervous, I shoved some remaining pancake into my sturdy cheeks, tying my shoes and then ruffling my hair. I grabbed my bag for my part-time job at the convenience store, and then walked out of my apartment.

However, as soon as my door clicked shut, another clicked open.

"Oh, hey Jisung!"


I turned my head, and there he was.

The angelic prince that was Lee Minho, beaming at me cheekily.

"H-hey Minho" I stuttered, facepalming internally. I never stutter, but of course the one time I do it's because of this guy.

"Are there any good Cafés around here?" Minho asked while stretching enthusiastically.

He opened his mouth to utter some other words, but I took his few stretching seconds to run down the stairs.

I felt a bit guilty for leaving him like that, but I was afraid of stupidly stuttering some nonsense in front of him. Besides, Jae might've ended his shift early and I didn't want to be late for mine and cause havoc in that convenience store.

That night when I arrived back at my apartment, the coast seemed clear so I calmly walked into my apartment, sliding my shoes off and hanging my bag up. The bed which I had claimed as my own soon adorned my lazily thrown socks, but I didn't really care.

I needed some air at this point because I had been suffocated in that small corner shop. The only logical place to go would be the balcony which every apartment in this building had. So, like any other person with braincells, I went out onto my balcony, basking in the evening haze. It was a blessing from the gods. The quiet atmosphere, and how beautiful the city lights looked.

I really hit the jackpot when I chose this apartment.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?"

All good things just come with irritants, don't they?

I heard Minho sigh wholeheartedly next to me, and when I turned to look I wish I didn't.

He was looking up into the sky wistfully, the soft breeze tickling his skin and allowing his luscious brown locks to flutter. His eyes were filled with stars even though it was dawn.

Those eyes soon shifted to look at me, and instantly, I felt heat rising to my cheeks.

I couldn't dwell in those oceans any longer, so I averted my eyes to the sky. He giggled.

"Oh fuck- that was cute."

Minho raised his eyebrow. "Cute?"

"Wait I didn't think that?"

"No, but nonetheless I'm quite flattered that you think I'm cute, Jisung." Minho grinned.

I groaned in embarrassment, rushing out of my balcony but hearing him laugh into the night sky.

This was precisely why I avoided him.

I feel guilty for promising this but never uploading it so
I'm on break at the moment y'all, and managed to snag some WiFi.
This is prob the last update before January
-Abby <33

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