The devil doesn't get sick

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(A/N) @WildAnimalGaming7 Thanks so much for the request, I hope this is what you wanted. :) 

Chloe was at her desk, waiting for Lucifer to show. He had been on time every day since they started dating, so she was a bit worried about his tardiness. Chloe chalked it up to traffic and tried to continue to do her paperwork but her mind kept drifting back to Lucifer. Eventually she gave in and pulled out her phone. 

"Detective?" Lucifer sounded groggy and hoarse. Chloe felt a pang in her stomach, 

"Lucifer, are you alright?" 

"Perfectly fine. I just left a little late this morning is all, and there's traffic on the I-85." There was no humor in his voice, which made Chloe worry even more. 

"Okay, I'll see you soon." 

Lucifer walked in the precinct about ten minutes after they hung up and he looked like hell (ba-dum ch). His hair was messed up, his skin pale, and his suit only partially done up. His eyes looked oddly sunk into his head and Chloe almost swore he was sweating. He never sweat. 'Perks of living in the fiery pits of Hell for most of my life' as he would say, but today he was sweating. 

"Lucifer, you look terrible." He raised an eyebrow at her, 

"Impossible." Chloe had to admit that he was right, even in his sickly state he looked like, well, an angel. A sick angel, but an angel none the less. Suddenly Lucifer's balance wavered. He quickly regained his footing and looked around in a daze, as if someone had pushed him. 

"Luce, sit." On a normal day, he would have protested but he felt like crap on toast and it was easier to just do as he was told. He plopped down in the chair that always sat by Chloe's desk for him. She reached out and gently brushed his hair out of the way to feel his forehead. She quickly pulled her hand back. 

Lucifers skin felt like burning coals. No wonder he was sweating. 

"Did I hurt you?" She smiled at him sympathetically and shook her head. 

"No baby, I'm alright." He nodded, thinking she was finished but Chloe wasn't done. 

"Do you feel alright? Like do you feel sick?" Lucifer looked up at her and it took him a second to process her words, then he slowly shook his head, 

"I'm the devil, I don't get sick."

Lucifer was clearly sick and Chloe wasn't about to let him work with a fever that high. 

"Okay, come withe me." She took him gently by the hand and started leading him out of the precinct, 

"Detective, I'm not sick." 

"I know." He nodded and kept walking, trying not to trip. Chloe lead him to her car and opened the passenger door. 

"Come on, Luci. Get in the car." Lucifer did but before she could close the door he looked up at her with big puppy eyes, 

"I'm not sick." Chloe nodded and brushed her hand lightly across the skin of his face, ignoring the burning sensation. 

"I know, baby. I know." Lucifer leaned back against the seat. He tried to fight it, but his eyelids quickly grew heavy, slipped down, and soon he was asleep. Chloe watched him sleep for a moment, in awe of his beauty. He looked so peaceful, asleep in the passenger seat of her car, that she almost didn't want to pull out of the car park. 

Lucifer felt a sudden change in temperature and his eye flew open. He slipped the knife out of his sleeve and pointed it in the general direction. He lowered it when he heard her voice, 

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