Chapter 26

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"Thanks for the help dear." Bea hugged Ja Eun.

"Anything for you Mama." Ja Eun hugged her back.

That night they talked about a lot of things until they sleep.

Mew is sleeping on his room in their mansion.

Ja Eun took him there with the help of Bea's secretary after she put an unknown pill on his coffee.

Bea wanted him to sleep until the presscon will be done.
She don't want Mew to middle on her issues.
Even Jom, is oblivious on this things.

The presscon happened, and just as what Bea had expected, Thiwat and Tharn exposed her and her deeds.
But instead of being scared, Bea manage to stay calm and called her lawyer to settle anything.

She will die first before they will took her.
Over her dead body.


Mew woke up feeling tired.
He look around and he noticed that he was in their mansion. How the hell did he ended up here? He remembered that he fetched Ja Eun in the airport. He look at the side of his bed he saw an IV pole and an IV fluid connected to him.

He slowly got up and he look around.
He saw their househelp.

"Maricar? How long I was sleeping?"

"24 hours Sir Mew..

"What?! The fuck? Call Mom please!. Where's my phone?!" Mew pulled the needle of the IV.

His thoughts was on Gulf. His heart beats fast on worries.

"She's on the living room Sir."

Mew just nodded at her and he walked towards the area.

He didn't show himself when he saw a fuming mad Type and Grace.

He saw his mother laughed.
"Well, well, well, the peasants has arrived."

"Peasants your face bitch. What did you do?! My brother almost died because of you! Mew is just following your wants right?! How desperate are you?!" Mew saw Grace dash in front of her.

His mother just smirks and move a step backwards.
"It's not my fault that your brother is a suicidal freak. It's not my fault because you, his family did that to him and his relationship with Mew, I don't want someone like him to be associated in our family. Just like you Type. I hated you. You use my father on your own benefits you old men sucker. Emil Esguerra. Does the name ring a bell?"  Bea pointed at Type.
"My father had a heart attack after you broke up with him and chose another old man because you found someone more rich. You leech!"

Emil Esguerra.
Who the fucking is that? Mew knew his grandfather's name was Stevan.

"What lies are you blurting out old hag? Emil was my sugar daddy yes. But we broke it peacefully because he said that he is still in love with the woman named Rose. Quit lying for your sins. Admit everything before I will drag you out and take you to the police!" Type dash forward.

Mew was stilled. What the fuck is this?

His mother laugh hysterically.
"You are really siblings. Just like your mother.. Get out of my property. Or I'll call the guards. And Type.. Stay away from my brother. He does not deserve a filthy person like you, I heard that you've been vomiting a lot.. Are you pregnant again? Are you sure that, that was Tharn's?! why can't you answer me? You are just like Gulf. I saw him get out of a OB-GYNE clinic... With another man, and he is saying that it was Mew's. Well, what do I expect. Nuch cornered Thiwat and had herself pregnant to get him away from me." she laughed maniacally.

Gulf was with other man? When? Mew was with him all the time. He's not making close contact on other men except Mew. She's lying!

"How dare you! You can say bad things to us but not to our mother!" Mew saw Grace scream and she pulled Beatrice on her hair, gripping it strongly and slapping her face nonstop.
"You will pay for everything bitch!" Grace is still slapping her.

"Ouch! Ahh! let go of me. Let me go you wrench!!" Bea screamed.

"I will kill you bitch." Grace said while pulling Bea.

Mew recovered on his shock.
He showed up himself.

"What's going on here?!" Mew hurriedly help Beatrice and pushed Grace but he didn't mean it, he don't have enough strength. Mew still feel dizzy.
Grace got out of balance and fell on the floor.

"How dare you hurt my mother?!" Mew snapped at them. Bea is still his mother.

"How dare you to cause my brother pain?! He almost died Mew... By hanging. I hope you had a peaceful sleep. We will not let this pass." Type said while looking straight at Mew's eyes.



What the hell is happening??

Bells of alarm rings in his mind, Gulf... And their child. Are they alright?

"Let's go Type. I might kill someone now." Grace pulled Type.

Type look back at the two.
He pointed his two fingers on his eyes then he use that to point on them,

"We are not yet done Bea." he smirked at them.

Mew help Bea to sit in the couch.
"Explain everything now Mom!!! What the hell is happening?! Why I am asleep for 24 hours? Why?! Why Gulf hang himself?! What did you do?! Tell me!"


Gulf's close eyes moved while felt that someone is holding his hand.

It's his father.

He is awake but he pretended to be asleep. He's waiting on whatever his father will say.

"I'm sorry son.. I wish I could turn back the time, please be well Gulf.. So we can patch things right.. I will make it up to you and Type..I love you son, I'm sorry."

Gulf felt the warm hands of his father. Then He heard footsteps.

"Dad." it was Type and Grace.

Grace checked Gulf's vitals but he chose to pretend that he is sleeping.

"Gulf.. You need to be well.. So our babies won't be in danger.. The doctor confirmed that we are pregnant.. Isn't it a good news? I'm sorry I am not able to introduce myself properly.. But I am Type.. Your brother.. We didn't share the same mother but remember that blood is thicker than water.. I hope you will accept me.. I will really be happy, let's forget our issues and start anew as siblings." Gulf heard Type said that and his heart aches.

Gulf's eyes flutter and look at them.

Thiwat scooted closer to him and hugged him tight. "Please don't try to kill yourself.. Talk to me son.. I promise you that I will listen.. I'm sorry for I wasn't a good father to you."

Gulf cant find the right words to say. But he is happy. He hugged his father back.

Finally, he felt his father's warmth.

That time, Thiwat did not left Gulf's side. He personally took care of his needs , he acted as a real father and it helped a lot on Gulf's recover.

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