Chapter 41

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Lets end this so we can push the second generation. What do you think? 😊


"F-frank" Gulf muttered when he saw the man in front of him.

"Welcome my sweet.. Don't you miss me?" His robotic voice sents the same fear on Gulf.
"Why don't you sit down?" Frank motion to the guy standing beside him to get a chair for Gulf. "The baby looks heavy."

"What's this all about?" Gulf somewhat manage to talk.

"I planned on doing this years ago, I was about to be successful in getting you, when that bastard Tharn Kirigun's men got me and he and your husband did this shit on me. Tell me, my sweet.. How much does that filthy ass of yours worth that a powerful man was ready to risk everything for you?!"

Gulf can hear Frank's bitterness, he covered the ears of his son. No one knows what garbage words can get out of his wrecked mouth.

"You know how precious I am yet you wasted me. Now that you saw me being cared by someone, you came back to destroy me... What else do you want me to do Frank? Aren't you tired of all this shit?" Gulf's eyes began to heat up.

This pathetic man was once the love of his life.
But he turned out to be a beast.

"Hah! If I only got you that day, we will supposed to be happy. You belong to me. You hear me?"

Gulf didn't want to provoke him, his son and him are now under his mercy.

"Give the kid the life vest, we are navigating." Frank ordered his companion.

The guy gives Gulf the life vest.
"Blair?" He read the named embroidered in it.

"That was supposed to be our son's name. I chose that. Ah... I wish I could just turn back the time."

"Oh por Dios por santo!  Frank. I never thought you are this cheesy. I want to go now! Where's the favor that I wanted you to do?" Luccianna cringed on what she heard.

Frank acted shock.
"What favor Rosia? I don't remember."

"Hah! You are useless and cripple not an amnesiac! Give me the details about the money!" Rosia was now pissed.

"Now you just insult me, to think that it is you who's asking for a favor." he smirk at her.

"How I will get the money that Bea promised me! Tell me or we all die here or I will shoot "MY SWEET" first?!" Rosia pointed her gun on Gulf's head.

"You certainly have a death wish Rosia. We can talk about it in a sensible way. Drop your gun darling." Frank soothes her.

"You can't sweet talk on me anymore now Frank. Give me what I wanted."

Frank tilted his head on the side.
Seems like his men are already oriented on this.

Gulf saw the guy who gives a life vest to his son, fetched a gun in his side and in a swift move. He shoot Rosia's shoulder.

"Aahh! You traitor!!" She shouted in pain.
Her shouts was accompanied by Mick's cries. He got scared of the gunshot.

"Drop her in the sea." Frank ordered.
Then he look at Gulf with a gentle gaze.
"Did I scare our boy?" He said in a soft way.

Gulf wanted to vomit.
"He is not yours." he look around the yacht. There were three men.

One outside, one on the upper deck and one with Frank. All of them are armed.

How can he took them down? He prayed that Mew will find them soon.
The yacht is moving fast and big waves are hitting them. It's dangerous.

Seems like his prayers was heard when an approaching sound of a jet ski roared the sea.
It's following them.

"Who's that? Go and look!"  Frank ordered.

Gulf saw that opportunity.
Frank was disabled.

He stood up and stole that device who he pressed on his neck to talk.

"Now you are mute! How dare you imprint fear in me for the past years! I've been in hell! Now that I taste the heaven side of this life. You wanted me to be miserable again? I will kill you!" Gulf kick him nonstop until he fell off his wheel chair.

"Mama! Mama! Stop.. Stop!" Mick cried hard that made Gulf froze.

"Don't move or I'll blow his head off."
It's the guy earlier, holding Mick with a gun in his head.

Gulf drop the device and raise his hands.

"Please. Let go of my son.. He's just a kid. Please! Take me instead. Shoot me instead! Please spare my son!"

"You should've thought about that before you kicked my boss." he pressed the gun more in Mick's forehead.

Mick wasn't responding.
He was just staring at Gulf. While
Frank was unconscious on the floor.

"Move and get out!" He demanded.

Gulf followed his order but his eyes didn't left his silent son.

"Mick.. Baby.. Hold on okay.." he tried to coax him.

"Shut up!" The guy shouted.

The sound of the jet ski is getting near.

"Go to the top deck. You two! Go and help Sir Frank."

"Whoever you are we demand you to surrender and release your captives." Someone said in a megaphone.
The jetski was in a far distance. They probably saw that the people in here are armed.

Gulf flinch.. that wasn't Mew.
"Where are you." he whispered.

"Get the kid first!" The guy shouted and then He hold Mick's feet upside down and move him out of the railings of the yacht.

"No pleaseeeee! Spare my son!" Gulf shouted in fear.

"Then catch him!" He drop Mick on the dark waters.

Gulf felt like he lost his breath. He run towards the railing and saw Mick being swallowed by the water.


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