You don't scare me kid

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Chapter 29

It's 11am and Dean is knocking on Krissy's door (Where Liv is sleeping). After getting no answer, he tries again but still nothing. His worry grows a little, after all, this wouldn't be the first time a teenager ran away from him. Wanting to check up on her, Dean walks through the door afraid of finding no one. He's relieved once he finds her sleeping with headphones in her ears, he walks up to her and gently taps her on the shoulder. Liv grunts before turning around and covering her head with a pillow. Dean sits on the side of the bed and manages to remove her headphones.

Dean: Hey. No answers. That's twelve hours straight, I call that rested. Come downstairs, we'll get you fed.

Liv: I'm not hungry.

Dean: And I really don't care. Come on. He gets up and heads for the door. When he doesn't see her move, he bangs on the door. Liv turns around to face him, tired but too annoyed not to.

Liv: Fine.

Liv gets up and starts putting her shoes on. She grabs her jacket.

Dean: What are you doing?

Liv: You have something against jackets?

Dean: No, I'm just... You need it right now?

Liv gives him a few seconds to put two and two together.

Dean: You're leaving.

Liv: I don't have any other choice.

Dean: You do actually. You could stay.

Liv: I really, really can't.

Dean: You know we're going to have to call Child Services right?

Liv: You can't do that.

Dean: Oh, I can, and I will. I'm not letting a 9-year-old go off on her own.

Liv: 11!

Dean: Yeah, whatever moppet. You're not going alone.

Liv: If you call Child Services, I'll tell them you kidnapped me.

Dean: If you do that, they'll have me arrested, figure out who I am, and I'll never see Sarah or Krissy again.

Liv: Well don't call Child Services then.

Dean leans on the desk

Dean: So, come on, give me your big plan. I let you go and you what?

Liv: I poker my way out of the country.

Dean: Putting aside the fact that you're a child and only allowed near play money, what then?

Liv: I don't know.

Dean: Humor me.

Liv: I'll get a job... Rent an apartment.

Dean: Right. And you don't see how that might be a problem squirt?

Liv: I have my ways.

Dean: I can't even begin to tell how disturbing it is that you just said that.

Liv: People tend to underestimate me is all. When people see kids, they see harmless, and I just go unnoticed.

Dean: Right. Well maybe that will work on the social workers. Let's go get breakfast.

Liv: You're not gonna call them.

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