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Chapter 22

Krissy's POV

It's Wednesday (a week later). It's 11:30 pm and I can't sleep. I haven't smoked in forever. Ever since Sam took my cigarettes at the hospital, I've been cutting to take the edge off. But right now, cutting isn't an option and I just need to relax. I'm moving in my sheets, trying to get comfortable.

Dean: Go to sleep Kriss.

Krissy: I'm trying.

Dean: Are you okay?

Krissy: Yeah.

Dean: You wanna swap beds?

Krissy: Nah I'm good. I'm just gonna go drink a glass of water.

Dean: Then back to bed okay?

Krissy: Yep.

I get up and leave Dean's room. I need to breathe a little bit, so I go to the storage room and take a cigarette out of my secret stash. I'm silently walking up the stairs when someone turns on the lights.

Dean: Where do you think you going?

Krissy: I'm just going outside for some fresh air.

Dean: No, you're not. Go back to bed.

Krissy: Dean...

Dean: Now!

I sigh and walk down the stairs. I'm walking past Dean when he grabs my arm.

Dean: What's in your hand Krissy?

Well there's no getting out of this one

Krissy: A cigarette?

Dean: So, you lied to me. Again.

Krissy: I'm sorry.

Dean: Alright. He sighs and takes the cigarette out of my hand. Stay here.

What the hell is he going to do to me now? He comes back a minute later with a wooden spoon in his right hand. I have never been spanked with a wooden spoon before. Like ever. It's supposed to be used for cooking for god's sake.

Dean: Bend over the table.

Krissy: No Dean please. I won't do it again.

Dean. I don't trust you. Bend over.

Krissy: I'll go to bed right now. I promise.

Dean: Krissy. Bend over. Then you can go to bed.

Krissy: Dean please, I beg.

He takes a step closer, turns me around and bends me over the table. He then pulls down my underwear, so I immediately stand up.

Dean: Krissy we can do this the hard way, or we can this other way. Either way, you're not going anywhere until your spanking is over.

He makes me bend over again but this time I stay still.

Dean: So, you still smoke.

Krissy: I haven't in a long time.

Dean: It was just tonight?

Krissy: Yes sir.

Dean: And why should I believe you when you keep lying to us?

Krissy: I know you're right. Just get it over with.

Dean: As you wish.


Krissy: Wow!

Dean: This one stings a little more than my hand huh?


Dean: Alright. You can go to bed now.

I put my underwear back on and run to the bathroom, crying. I lock the door behind me. I hear someone knocking.

Dean: You gotta talk to me Kriss.

I don't answer.

Dean: Just tell me you're okay. Don't hurt yourself.

Krissy: I'm okay, I whisper.

Dean: Okay. I hear him sit, his back against the door and I do the same.

Krissy: I don't want to lie to you.

Dean: I know.

Krissy: I can't be who you want me to be.

Dean: I don't want you to be anyone but yourself Kriss.

Krissy: You don't want me to smoke or to cut myself or to drink or to have a gun or to do anything I do to take the edge off. But that's who I am. I do stupid stuff and put myself in danger but then I feel better.

Dean: Look Krissy, I understand the need to take the edge off. I get it. But it's my job to want something better for my kids. I can't let you think it's okay to smoke and get drunk at 18. That's not gonna happen.

I don't answer so he continues speaking.

Dean: Listen, we're gonna fight sometimes. And you'll make mistakes and I'll make mistakes and sometimes you'll get in trouble and sometimes you won't but in the end, we'll look out for each other. You're family and that's what family does. Family's there. For the good, the bad, all of it. But you gotta let us in, kid.


Dean: You just have to crack the door and let us in.

"You're family". I'm family. I'm a Chambers. But also, I'm a Winchester. I'm a Winchester.

I stand up, unlock the door and open it, embracing the metaphor. Dean stands up and looks at me, smiling a little.

Krissy: Well come on in.

I see Sarah walking towards us, yawning.

Sarah: What's going on?

Dean: Nothing. Go back to sleep.

Sarah wakes up all of a sudden, looking hurt.

Sarah: Sorry for interrupting... She mutters walking back to her room. I want to go after her but I'm just tired. And she probably is too.

Dean: If you talk to us, and only if you talk to us, Sam and I would be willing to let you close your door. We'll give you some privacy and your room back as long as you come to us whenever you need to talk. Now it's a privilege. Which means we trust you. Don't take it for granted.

I run to Dean's room to carry my mattress and bring it to my room. Dean comes to help and then goes back to his room. At first it felt good being alone. But then I realized that I was okay and so I thought: (Wow are you sure you're okay? You're Krissy.) Just leave me alone. (I mean not being okay is kind of your thing) Stop it. (And anyway, why would you be okay?) Why not? (You're still the same person) Shut up. (You still won't sleep tonight) Why wouldn't I? (I won't let you) ... (Are you sure you're okay?)

--Heeeey you:) I'm working on the next chapter, I hope you like this one. You can vote/comment if you did. I always enjoy feedback-- (you're loved)

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