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Chapter 13

In the kitchen of the bunker, a few days after Jody and the girls went home. It's Sunday afternoon and Dean, Sam, and Krissy went on a hunt this morning. Dean's cutting Sarah's meat.

Dean: Here you go. You need help eating? (Sarah still has her cast on)

Sarah: I'm not hungry Dean.

Dean: Come on Sarah. You know the drill. If you don't eat you'll faint and break something else. If you don't eat, I'll get mad. If I get mad, you'll find yourself over my knee. If you cooperate, your grounding will end tonight. If not, you've got another week to go.

Sarah: I've gained Dean.

Dean: Not enough. Come on I'll go get you something to drink. I'll be back in a minute.

Krissy's drinking a beer when Dean walks in.

Dean: What the he—Hey! What do you think you're doing?

Krissy: Relaxing after a stressful hunt, why?

Dean: Give me that! He takes her drink from her

Krissy: Do you know that in France the legal age for drinking is 18?

Dean: Yeah well we're not France and in here I'm the one making the rules. Now go to the living room.

Krissy: You're such a mood killer.

Dean: Yeah and you're so lucky I'm not spanking you right now.

They come back to the living room

Dean: This is the last time I catch you drinking you hear me?

Krissy: Yes dad.

Sarah: Hey that's my line.

Krissy: All right princess.

Sarah: Shut up you jerk.

Dean: Excuse me?

Sarah: She's being annoying! He stares at her waiting for a better answer. All right I'm sorry. She rolls her eyes

Dean: Yeah you're gonna be if you continue with this attitude young lady.

Sarah: "Young lady"? Really?

Dean: Yes really Sarah. I'm not telling you again. And do not think about rolling those eyes at me again because I'll know it.

Sarah: Jeez, loosen up a bit.

Dean grabs Sarah's ear and brings her to her room

Dean: Now you stay here until you've decided to change attitude and eat your lunch. He leaves

Sarah: Oh really that's the best you could come up with? I'm not six anymore! You could of have least locked the door! She yells after him, secretly hoping he didn't hear. When he goes, Sarah realizes that the only way for her to eat without gaining weight is to work out so she starts running in circles in her room and after a little while she gets dizzy and falls.

Meanwhile, in the living room.

Sam: Hey, I heard you locked Sarah up in her room.

Dean: Yeah she was being a brat and I didn't know what to do about it.

Sam: I'm glad you didn't spank her.

Dean: Why?

Sam: Because I'm going to. Do you know she has three report cards we didn't know about laying in her drawer?

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