Talk to me

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A few days later, on his way to the bunker, Dean receives a call.

No one's POV


The person calling:Am I speaking to Dean Winchester?

Dean:Yeah, who's this?

The person calling: Hello Mr. Winchester. I'm calling on behalf of the principal of Lawrence High School. I believe you have a sister here, Sarah Winchester, is that right?


The person calling:She got in trouble with another student and has been suspended for the rest of the day. We can't let her go without one of her family members coming to pick her up and the principal would like to have a word with you about the incident which is the reason for my call. Would 2pm work for you?

Dean:Hum, yes, okay. I'm on my way.

Without calling Sam, Dean immediately went to Sarah's school. When he got there he found her sitting in one of the chairs in front of the principal's office.

Dean: The school called me, what's going on?

Sarah: I broke someone's nose.

Dean:Excuse me?

Sarah:I got into a fight and I broke a guy's nose. Can we please not make a big deal out of it and just go home?

Dean takes a step closer to Sarah but before he gets the chance to do anything, the principal's door opens.

The principal:Mr. Winchester I presume?

Dean:You presumed right. They shake hands.

Dean:I'd like to talk to you for a short moment. Do you mind? He asks motioning for him to step into his office.

Dean:Not at all. He turns to Sarah. This is not over. He then follows the principal into his office.

Sarah:Dean wait!


Sarah:I need to talk to you.

Dean:Oh don't you worry we're gonna have a good long talk after this.

Sarah:I mean now. Please.

Dean sights and then turns to the principal

Dean:Could you give us a minute please?

The principal:Of course.

He goes into his office and closes the door

Dean:You better have a damn good explanation for this.She falls onto her knees and bursts out, crying.

Dean:Hey, hey, what's going on? He asks kneeling next to her

Sarah:They just won't stop Dean.

Dean:Who won't stop?

Sarah:Them! The guys! I don't want to be here, can we please just go home.

 Dean:What did they do?

Sarah:They push me around. They leave disgusting stuff in my locker. Everyone in the damn school calls me Lurch and I'm tired Dean. I'm so fucking tired— He cuts her off, gently pulling her into a hug.

Dean:How long has this been going on? He asks gesturing her to stand up and sit on a chair next to him.

Sarah:Since the beginning of the year.

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