You understand me?

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Chapter 26

After Dean and Sarah talked last night, they ended up watching a movie and both fell asleep on Dean's bed. It's 6 am and they're still sleeping. Sarah's curled up against Dean and using his arms as a blanket when the front door opens. Dean wakes up and sees Sam and Krissy outside his bedroom door. No one says anything, and they just walk in. Krissy pulls out a chair, quietly, and sits in front of the bed, yawning. Sam does the same. They start whispering.

Sam: Is she okay? He points at Sarah with his head.

Dean: Mmh. She's a tough kid, she'll bounce back.

Krissy: What happened?

Dean: None of your business.

Krissy: Right. She rolls her eyes and gets into her bed on the floor.

Sam: So?

Dean: I got mad, raised my voice a little. She didn't like it. But then we talked, and I kind of get the kid. She's so terrified of losing one of us, she can't even think straight.

Sam: What?

Dean: She asked me to stop hunting.

Sam: She did?

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: What did you say?

Dean: No. What did you think I was gonna say Sammy? I'm a hunter. I hunt.

Sam: Yeah, I know. But this is Sarah we're talking about. She's not just gonna let this go. This will happen again and she'll put herself in danger. Again.

Dean: You think I don't know that?

Sam: Well what are we gonna do?

Sarah slowly opens her eyes, yawns and stretches, still leaning on Dean.

Dean: Well hey there sleepy head.

Sarah: What time is it? Where's Krissy? Sarah asks, looking around her but not seeing Krissy already asleep on her mattress.

Dean: Sleeping in her bed, which is where you should be right now.

Sarah: Mmh. She lays back on the bed, her head on Dean's chest and closes her eyes again.

Dean: Oh so that's how that's gonna go huh?

Sarah groans wanting him to shut up and let her sleep.

Sam: I don't think you have a say in the matter Dean.

Sarah: Everyone got home okay, let me stop worrying and go to sleep.

Sam and Dean exchange a look.

Sam: So you're worried huh?

Sarah: Stop it Sam you already know the answer to that. She answers, her eyes still closed.

Dean: She has been for a little while too.

Sam: Why didn't you tell us about it?

Sarah opens her eyes and straightens up a little.

Sarah: Because I knew exactly how you'd react, and I knew you wouldn't stop hunting for me.

Sam: Sarah... Sam answers, surprised and with concern on his face. I understand you're worried, but we've been doing this for a long time. And we know what we're doing.

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