Hunting's not a game

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Chapter 25

It's Saturday, a few weeks later. Sarah talked to Sam and Dean about coming along on a hunt and after hours of debate, they agreed under one condition. She was to stay in the motel room. And she did. For a few hours. At one point she got bored and decided to go out. She didn't want to get herself in trouble so she just went for a walk around the neighborhood, bought herself a book and went back to the motel. After making sure she was alone, she laid down on Dean's bed and started reading. An hour later: Sarah's completely focused on her book and forgets about the fact that she went outside, ignoring Dean's direct order. The motel manager saw her, but she doesn't know. Dean's here and knows she disobeyed. But she doesn't know that either. A sharp smack on her ass catches her off guard. It's Dean. Of course, it's Dean.

Dean: What'd I tell you? Huh?

She doesn't answer, panicked. He walks up to her dangerously.

Dean: You better find the words to explain this one quickly Sarah because it's not looking good. What did I tell you before leaving?

Sarah: You told me to stay inside. She quickly answers, standing up and backing off, legitimately afraid of Dean.

Dean: And what d'you do instead?

He's furious. He continues getting closer and she continues backing off until she hits the wall. There's nothing stopping Dean from making her face him. No distance, nothing. Dean hits the wall with his fist, making Sarah shiver and drop her eyes to the floor.

Dean: Hey! Eyes on me. What did you do instead? Dean's boiling.

Sarah: I disobeyed. Sarah answers quietly.

Dean: Damn right you did. He grabs her arm and yanks her over the bed, taking off her jeans in the process. He starts unbuckling his belt.

Sarah: Dean- Sarah starts, scared, but he cuts her off.

Dean: Don't move. I told you I wouldn't let anyone put you in danger. Well guess what Sarah, that includes you. And with that, the first stroke lands on her bottom. 

Sarah: Dean please not the belt. Please! She cries out.

Dean: You're lucky I'm not stripping you all the way. Anything could have happened to you Sarah. Anything! We're not home. We're on a hunt. I gave you the conditions to you coming with us. If I can't trust you to stay put when I tell you to then I can't trust you at all! There are actual people out here who need our help I can't be worried about your safety too, understood?

A second stroke falls down on her already hurt bottom.

Sarah: Yes. Dean, I'm sorry! She answers obediently.

For the first time Sarah actually understands her brother's reaction. She didn't think this through. She didn't think it would be this big of a deal, but she definitely does now.

Dean: I won't have you running around, reckless, and putting yourself at risk for what? He takes a quick look at the empty bag and the book. For a book? Stupid move Sarah. I hope it was freaking worth it because now I'm gonna use the belt and you're gonna take it like a big girl. You understand me?

Sarah: Yes sir.

Dean: Now I know you don't like this. I don't expect you to. But if you decide to do this it's the way it's gonna be. Every damn time, I'll break up your little party and take your sorry ass back home. You don't get to disobey a direct order. Ever.

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