The morning after

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Chapter 3

In the morning Dean woke Sarah up at 11am. She freaked out realizing she was late for school but then he explained to her that they had let her sleep in on purpose. So she got ready and they went to a restaurant.

Sarah's POV

Dean: "Hi sweetheart I'll have the bacon burger with fries and a beer and, the giant there", he says pointing at Sam, "will have whatever salad you have." Sam rolls his eyes but still gives a quick smile to the waitress

Waitress: "What about you sweetheart? What do you want?" the waitress asks me

Sarah: "I'll have water please."

Waitress: "And?"

Sarah: "Hum and thank you?" I say unsure of what else she wants me to say.

Waitress: "No, I mean, that's it? You don't want anything else?"

Sarah: "Oh no thanks but I'm good."

Dean: "She'll have French fries"; says Dean to the waitress before she nods and leaves. Sam and Dean stare at me like I'm some kind of freak so I say: "What? I ate lots of pancakes this morning."

Sam: "Yeah right except I made eggs this morning."

Sarah: "Anyway, you wanna tell me why I'm not going to school today?"

Sam: "Well Dean and I, we've been thinking. Since we've met you, we never really got to know you because we never had time. So that's what today is about, we're making time to get to know you." After yesterday that kind of surprised me

Sarah: "Hum alright, cool. Are we going somewhere?"

Dean: "Well yeah, unless you wanna stay here all day? Which would be okay with me by the way" he says winking at the waitress coming our way with the food.

Sarah: No, no, I'm good with going out.

The waitress approaches

Waitress: Okay so here is the salad...

Sam: Thank you.

Waitress: The burger and the beer...

Dean: Gracias.

Waitress: ... And the fries.

Sarah: Thanks.

Waitress: You're welcome!

The waitress leaves and everybody start eating except for me. I'm hungry but what's the point of eating if it's just to throw it all up right after. Bottom line is, way too many calories.

Dean: Hey. Quit playing with your food.


Sarah: I told you I wasn't hungry.

Sam: Sarah you need to eat.

Sarah: Not if I'm not hungry.

Sam: I haven't seen you eat anything since yesterday. You need food or else you'll faint.

Sarah: Fine! I'll eat.

Sam: All of them?

That's gonna be hard to throw up

Sarah: All of them.

About 15 minutes later, Dean went to the counter to pay and Sam to the bathroom so I took this opportunity to stuff what I had left of my fries in my bag.

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