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Chapter 7

Krissy's POV

I was at home, cleaning up the mess we made yesterday at my party, when I received a message from Sarah saying 'I'm so sorry'. I didn't have time for conundrums so I just continued cleaning up while some people ( the ones who slept there) started waking up. Half an hour later the house is still a mess and I hear someone trying to open the door, except the only people with a key to this house are inside the house... I open the door and here's Sam picking the door lock with a pin. At first I don't realize in how much trouble I am because they are the ones breaking and entering but then I remember that I had a party last night and I remember Sarah's text and everything kind of adds up. I start really freaking out when I see Dean's face when he comes in and looks at the mess but I keep a serious facade. Dean starts coming my way but turns around to face Sam and Sarah.

"Wait here. Krissy and I need to talk"

Sarah's POV

They both went upstairs and let us with a bunch of drunk and sleepy teenagers. One guy (under 21), completely wasted or drunk or I don't know, was picking up the bottle of rheum on the table but Sam gently took it from him."I think you drank enough buddy." The guy whined but let Sam take it from him. He was talking but he wasn't making sense and I've got to admit: it was kind of fun seeing Sam and him interacting: "I was at the apple tree and we danced and he said 'no, no, no, no, no' So I said 'yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,' but then he said 'no, no, no' so I was like 'wow poor guy' you know?" "Yes I do know. How about some water?" "Yes, yes, you're right, there was water too! But just on the boats!" The guy got up on his feet jumping like he had found the cure for cancer and started yelling: " I KNOW WHERE THE TREASURE IS! IT'S IN ONE OF THE APPLES, ON THE BOAT! I'M THE CHOSEN ONE! THEY WANT ME TO FIND IT" Sam took his hand and got him to sit still, he asked me to go find some water but the guy thought I wanted to steal his treasure, I had to tell him I was just going to wake the 'old monkey' up for him to let me go.

I bring back a glass of water and find Sam looking at me, panicked. He's holding a bucket and-- oh, okay, the guy just puked on him. I burst out in laughs, which seems to make Sam mad but the situation is just so funny I can't help it. I put the glass on the table and go upstairs to find him a clean shirt. I was walking upstairs when I heard Dean and Krissy talking-- yelling actually.

"You're not in charge!" "Yes I am!" I can't believe I played a part in this. This sucks. She's gonna be so mad at me. I know how much she liked hunting with her friends and now because of me she might be coming home with us...

*What happened after Dean and Sarah went upstairs*

No one's POV

Krissy goes in her room, followed closely by Dean. She goes in and slams the door behind her. Dean enters and calmly closes it again.

"We need to talk." Dean says,

"No we don't." Krissy starts going. Dean grabs her arm and makes her come back. "Yes we do. Now sit." He says in a stern voice and pointing at the bed with his head. "We had an agreement. An agreement that included no party in this house. This is not okay Krissy! She doesn't say anything And I also heard that you smoke now? You got an explanation for that?

-I'm eighteen!

-I don't care! We made a deal and you're not respecting it!

-I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this! I'm not Sarah I'm not your sister, don't treat me as if I was! We're not even related for god's sack!

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