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Chapter 8

Dean's POV

After a little while of searching for Krissy in the streets, I remembered of a place she talked to me about. I told Sammy and Sarah to wait for us in the car. I took the bridge and found Krissy on a bench looking at the view. I sat down next to her. She saw me and flinched.

Dean: You didn't really think that would work, did you?

I look at her with a stern look meaning 'You better behave'.

Krissy: I was doing fine on my own Dean.

Dean: Krissy don't lie to me. Not me. I know you don't want to be alone. Why else would you go to the one place you talked to me about if it's not because you wanted me to find you?

Krissy: I don't need you to come looking for me Dean.

Dean: But you did want to know if I'd come didn't you?


Dean: What's wrong with wanting to be with your family Kriss?

She turns her eyes to me in surprise but then gets up and finishes crossing the bridge.

Dean: Where are you going? I ask following her.

Krissy: Not your problem.

Dean: Except it is my problem since I'm in command. We continue walking

Krissy: 'In command?' What do you think this is? The army?

Dean: No, it's just family baby. She starts walking faster We take the good and the bad and we always stick together. I say, trying to finish making my point.

She starts crossing the street without looking and a car stops just in time 'Oh heck no'

Dean: Krissy!! She turns to me with a look saying 'You have zero authority over me' so without hesitating, I grab her upper arm, turn her around and land three hard smacks on her bottom, hard enough to make her jerk in surprise. She turns to me with wide eyes.

Krissy: Did you just spank me?

Dean: Yeah, to get your attention! You're being reckless. I answer sharply.

Krissy just looks down at her feet looking a little disturbed, which is what I was going for.

Dean: Get your butt to the car. Right now. Sarah's waiting for you.

Krissy: Right, because I so want to see her right now.

Krissy starts walking towards the car but I grab her by the ear and get my mouth closer to it. As soon as I do she gets a hold of my hand trying to make me let go of her.

Dean: And as soon as we get home we ARE discussing this new attitude of yours because I won't put up with it.

I let go and she gets into the car

Krissy: Sure thing Dean... The girl just rolls her eyes at me

Dean: Yeah, you're right, do that while you can.

She gets in the passenger's seat next to Sarah and glares at her

Sarah: Why are you giving ME the stink eye? I told them not to come.

Krissy: Yeah right, this isn't at all your fault.

Sarah: I was at the hospital dummy! I couldn't exactly keep the doctors from talking to my brothers!

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