What do you remember?

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Chapter 27

In the dungeon, Liv is cuffed to a chair, unconscious. Sam is with Krissy and Sarah while Dean is watching Liv carefully, leaning against the wall. Liv raises her head, slowly waking up. Liv realizes she's cuffed to the chair and tries moving her arms panicking a little. Dean straightens up and gets closer to her.

Dean: Liv?

Liv finally notices Dean.

Liv: Who are you?

Dean: It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Liv: Yeah? Then why the hell am I tied up?

Dean: Call it a little insurance.

They exchange a look. Liv looks like she's analyzing him, distrustful.

Liv: What do you want?

Dean: To ask you a few questions.

Liv: Why?

Dean: Well first off you seem a little young to be hanging out with demons. Dean states crossing his arms and giving her his best stern look.

Liv: Is there some kind of metaphor I'm not grasping or...?

Dean: Don't act all innocent. We checked the shop's security cameras. We saw you talking with the demon before he jumped your bones.

Liv: Huh? What the hell is your problem? Liv asks genuinely curious.

Dean: You sure you wanna make this worse for yourself?

Liv: There's something really wrong about you pal.

Dean: If you don't start talking, I'm gonna start swinging.

Liv: Look man, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. But I have a family and if I'm not home by 7 they'll worry and call the police.

Dean: Huh. Right. Your family. Do you mean your mom, June, who you stabbed and left on the counter or your little sister Lucy who you left in boiling water? Liv looks at Dean, starting to take him seriously. Or maybe you mean your father, John, who we found hanged to a ceiling fan.

Liv: How do you know my family?

Dean: I think a better question would be what the hell were you talking about with this demon?

Liv: What did you do to my family you freak!?

Dean gives her a more puzzled and worried look.

Dean: What did you tell the demon Liv?

Liv: What demon?! Please, let me go. I just want to be with my family. Please! She cries out.

Dean: The lady in the drugstore! What did you tell her!?

Liv: Nothing I promise!

Dean: Think Liv!

Liv looks like she's about to lose it, completely overwhelmed by her emotions.

Liv: I... I don't know. I'm not sure! She asked me if I were looking for a family.

Dean: What did you say?

Liv: She was an old lady! She was harmless!

Dean: What did you say!?

Liv: I told her I already had a family and then that was it!

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