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Chapter 28

Sam and Dean look at her small and scarred body. Dean looks at Sam and sighs. They then walk to the girls.

Sam: Liv do you have any family other than your parents and your sister?

Liv: Why?

Dean: Just answer the question.

Liv: I got an aunt and an uncle around San Francisco.

Dean: Good. We'll take you there in the morning.

Liv: I can go alone.

Dean: You're 9. We're taking you there. End of discussion.

Liv: First off, I'm 11. Secondly, who died and made you queen? Thirdly, I don't want to go to San Francisco, I wanna go home and see my family.

Dean: You might want to start showing some gratitude before I run out of patience.

Liv: And do what huh?

Dean: Keep it up and you'll find out sweetheart.

Liv: You're cute.

Dean: Alright. I get it, you're a tough kid. Thing is squirt, I'm tougher. And if you're stubborn enough to keep talking to me like that then you will end up over my knee, and I will punish you.

Liv: Spank me you mean? So what, you, man I met an hour ago, are gonna spank me?

Dean: You'd be lucky if that's all I do.

Liv: Right.

Dean: Oh, I'm serious, I will spank you if necessary.

Liv: Yeah, and then maybe I'll spank you.

Dean: You can quit this before...

Liv: Alright, put the threats away, they don't work on me cowboy.

Dean: You mind your damn tone with me kid. Last warning.

Liv: Sure thing, touchy.

Dean: Okay then, strike three. You're coming with me. We're gonna have a little talk about respect.

Dean gets closer to her but eventually Liv realizes the realness of what's happening and runs as fast as she can to the stairs. Dean barely runs after her but still manages to catch her. Once he does, he holds on to her arm, but she fights like her life is on the line. She yells and kicks so Dean grabs her other arm in order to have a good grip.

Dean: Kid. Calm down. You're okay. He looks her in the eye and tries to calm her down but she's not listening.

Dean: Snap out of it!

She kicks him, still not listening, trying so hard to get him to let go.

Dean: Hey! I'm not letting go. Now you can accept that, calm down and come with me or we can go to the bathroom and I can give you a cold shower. Either way you're snapping out of this.

Dean lets go when he feels like Liv has calmed down.

Dean: You're ready to listen?

Liv: Screw you!

Dean: Yeah alright. He puts her screaming body over his shoulder and takes her to the bathroom. Once there, he locks the door behind him and puts the key in his pocket. Then, he puts Liv down.

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