Don't you 'yes sir' me and walk away

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Chapter 30

Same day, just a few moments later, in the kitchen

Sarah to Liv: Can you pass over the coffee please?

Liv: I'm not your fucking waitress dude.

Krissy: Hoho alright, finally a sailor at this table. Krissy excitingly says getting a warning look from Sam.

Dean: Hey, dial it down with the swearing. Dean pours some coffee into Sarah's cup. Here you go Sare.

Liv to Sarah: So people just serve you around here?

Dean: Liv, Dean sharply warns.

Liv: Hey if she can't take a fucking joke—

Sam: Alright give it a rest. Not telling you again.

Liv looks at Sam, thinking "didn't know he had it in him"

Dean: And enough with the swearing, you understand me?

Liv gets up, about to put her plate in the dishwasher.

Liv: Yeah, I understand you're a dick.

Dean: What's that now?

Dean gets up and gives her a sharp swat which makes her panic and put herself as far away from Dean as possible, removing herself from the potential threat.

Sarah: Really Dean? That's it? She's just gonna do whatever she wants and you're gonna let her get away with it? 

Dean: Who are you talking to right now? I know you're not talking to me.

Sarah: I'm fed up with this. You would have busted my ass for way less. Seriously. And I'm talking actual ass beating not the crap you're giving her.

Dean: I'll give you one of those right now if you don't lower your voice and calm down.

Sarah: Why would I be punished when she's the one being an asshole to everyone? This sucks!

Sam: Sarah. Sam only gives her a "You better stop now" look trusting it'll make a point

Sarah: I never got special treatment for my dead parents.

Dean: Okay enough. You're coming with me. Dean gets up leading the way.

Sarah: No!

Dean: Yes. Right now. He grabs her upper arm, but she pushes him away. Don't do that.

Sarah: Or what?

Dean: Oh so you wanna try me Sarah? Really? I'm not known for my patience.

Sarah: Well you're not known for being sharp either.

Dean fireman lifts her in 3 seconds and smacks her butt.

Dean: That sharp enough for you?

Sarah: What are you doing? Let me go!

Dean: Didn't raise you to be a brat Sarah. Sure as hell ain't gonna start now.

Dean brings her to her room, puts her down and closes the door behind him before turning around, arms crossed. When Sarah sees him looking so stern with an "I'm-waiting-for-an-explanation" kinda look in his eyes she chuckles slightly.

Dean: What was that? "Sorry for being disrespectful"? "I should know better"? Sarah mumbles under her breath.

Dean: I swear to god Sarah the next words outta your mouth better be "yes sir".

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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