Party crush

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Chapter 18

The 2 first hours were spend having fun and singing songs in the car, completely ignoring Dean and Sam's phone calls. For once, the girls felt free and light. So light in fact, that Sarah fell asleep. Her head is resting on the window. Krissy decides to stop for gas. She stops the car and gently calls Sarah's name.

Sarah's POV

Krissy: Sare I'm going to the bathroom. Do want something from the store?

I yawn.

Sarah: No, I'm good thanks.

I look at my phone and find 5 missed calls from Dean and 2 from Sam. These guys never know when to quit. A few minutes later Krissy comes back and starts loading the car with gas. I open my window.

Sarah: Hey, I was thinking: Maybe we should call the boys.

Krissy: What? No! Are you crazy? If you're gonna do something like what we're doing, it's either you're all in or all out.

Sarah: Just to let them know we're okay.

Krissy: Oh, and how's that gonna go? "Hey guys I'm good, how about you? Oh right, I locked you in your own kitchen, I forgot. Well, no hard feelings okay?"

Sarah: Okay I know. But look at it that way: If I call them to say that we're okay, it's one less thing they have to hold against us on trial day.

Krissy: Sarah, it was your idea. Whatever happens after, happens. We're not calling them and that's that.

Oh she's a Winchester alright.

Krissy: I'm gonna pay for the gas. Just don't call them, okay?

She goes in. I can't just not call them. They're stupidly protective but they're my brothers and they're worried. I dial Sam's number but unfortunately Dean answers.

Dean: You listen to me very carefully Sarah. You're gonna check in the first motel you find, eat and get some sleep. When you find the motel, you send me the address straight away. I'm coming to get you.

Sarah: Dean, the only reason I called is to tell you that we're okay.

Dean: Look Sarah, this is not up for discussion.

Sarah: Yeah, you're right it's not.

I hang up on him and see Krissy coming out of the store. She gets in and my phone starts ringing. It's Dean. Krissy looks at me.

Krissy: What did you do?

I grab my phone to answer it

Krissy: What are you doing? Don't answer it!

I answer it

Dean: You're so in for it, you have no idea.

Krissy: Sarah, hang up!

I get out of the car.

Sarah: You'll have to find us first.

Dean: Oh I'll find you sweetheart. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track you down and spank your bare ass. And when I do, you'll regret everything you did today. Trust me.

Sarah: We'll see about that.

Dean: Why is it you girls always have such smart mouths and make it worse for yourselves?

Sarah: Kay Dean, it was nice talking to you. Have a good one.

Dean: Don't you hang u- I hang up, get in the car and find Krissy with disbelief written all over her face

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