Wrong choice, kid

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Chapter 4

No one's POV

At the bar

Sarah: "Come on just one drink"

Dean: "I said no Sarah."

Sarah: "Why are you talking to me this way?"

Dean: "Because I keep telling you to stop arguing but you just keep on going."

Sarah: "I'm not a child. I can have one drink without dying!"

He doesn't say anything

Sarah: "I'll take that as a yes."

He whispers: "You take that however you want just know that if you drink a single drop of alcohol tonight there will be consequences."

Sarah: "Oh come on! I barely ever drink!"

Dean: "Sarah I gave you an answer now it's up to you whether you want to spend the way home sitting on a sore ass or not. Just know you won't get off easily."

Sarah: "Yeah, yeah, right, more threats."

Dean: "Alright, enough, we're going home."

Sarah: "What? Can't hear you. The music's too loud" she lies

Dean: "Can you hear this?" he says taking his belt off

Sarah: "Hey hey heeey what are you doing? We're not alone!"

Dean: "Yeah well you didn't seem to care about that two minutes ago." He grabs her by her hoodie saying 'come here' and he drags her to the lady's room. She stays silent.

Dean: "Not so disrespectful now that we're alone huh? You're lucky I didn't do anything in front of everyone."

Sarah: "Right. They just saw you drag me in the bathroom with a belt in your hand but you are a saint."

Dean: "Hey! I'm not your friend Sarah. You better start showing me some respect.

Sarah: "Right. You're not my father though. So what gives you the right to tell me what to do? Huh? Why should I listen to anything you say?

Dean: "Because I'm the grown up! And you live under my roof. So you will do as I say or you will deal with the consequences. That's how it is! I'm in charge and if I judge that you deserve an ass beating then that's what you'll get! Do you understand me?!"

Sarah: "Yes sir."

Dean: "The minute you walked into this family you became my responsibility so when I give you an order, you'll obey whether you like it or not. I know you think that after yesterday I won't take you back over my knees so soon, but I will if I need to Sarah."

Sarah: "But Dean I..."

Dean: "I don't want to hear it! Get in the car. We're going."

In the car

Dean: "Give me your phone."

Sarah: "What?"

Dean: "Your phone Sarah. Now."

Sarah hands over her phone.

Sarah: "What are you gonna do with it?"

Dean: "You don't get to ask questions."

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