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Chapter 14

Recap: Sarah's in the hospital again after fainting, she's being fed through a tube. Sam and Dean do their possible to remain calm in this overwhelming situation. Also, we discover that Krissy has been having suicidal thoughts. It's 9 pm, Sam and Krissy went to the bunker to talk and take some clothes for Sarah. They are now walking into Sarah's hospital room where Sarah and Dean are both asleep. Dean is holding Sarah's hand and sitting on a chair next to the bed.

Sam: Hey Dean?

Dean yawns

Dean: Yeah, I'm up.

Sam: You can go home with Krissy if you want, I'll stay here.

Dean: No, it's okay. I promised Sarah I'd stay.

Krissy: Well I can stay with her.

Dean: No, you've got school tomorrow.

Krissy: I'm not going to work while Sarah's in a hospital bed.

Dean: Yeah you are. No argument Krissy, not right now.

Krissy: Like you ever let me argue. She says under her breath

Dean: What was that? He gives her a warning look

Krissy: Nothing. She rolls her eyes

Sam: Seriously Krissy now's not the moment to piss each other off.

Krissy: He's the one pissing me off.

Dean gets up and walks to her.

Sarah: Guys come on, please.

Sam: Hey Sare. They all go to her. How are you feeling... considering?

Sarah: It hurts when I swallow and I'm so tired. It sucks.

Sam: I know sweetie. Do you need anything?

Sarah: No thanks. I just want to go home.

Sam: They're keeping you overnight but tomorrow, sure.

Sarah: But I don't want to stay here. I hate this place.

Sam: It's your first night Sarah, it'll be easier to have doctors around to check up on you.

Sarah: Pfff...

Sam: Did they tell you how long she would need the tube for? Addressing Dean

Dean: They'll do blood tests in 10 days and if everything looks well enough, they'll take the tube off five days later.

Sam: Okay well then if you don't need anything else, Krissy and I will head off.

Dean looks at Sarah and she smiles at him

Dean: We're okay.

In the car

Sam: Seatbelt.

Krissy: I know, Sam.

Sam starts driving and there's a little silence. Sam keeps his eyes on the road and Krissy is looking out the window.

Sam: Are you okay?

Krissy: Yeah.

Sam: Really?

Krissy: I said yes Sam.

Sam: I can't help you if you don't talk to me Krissy.

Krissy: Good, because I don't need your help.

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