Pit Stop Feelings

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Ben was snickering at you as Matt ordered the food. You hadn't gotten much sleep in the past week and you were starting to feel it. You'd asked Matt to get you an extra strong coffee with lunch.

"You know you could just take a picture." Ben said.
"Huh?" You mumbled as you yawned and turned to Ben.
"You've been staring at Matt  since you sat down. You're literally drooling." Ben had pointed out. You wiped at your mouth with your hand and then rubbed your eyes with your other hand and let out a long sigh before yawning.
"Someone needs more sleep." Matt said as he came back to the table. "Food will be a minute. They have to make Ben's rabbit meal."
"It's good for you!" Ben insisted. Matt scoffed and made a face. You didn't hear what he said in response because you'd lent your head on your hands and had started feeling sleepy again.
"Do you wanna try and stay awake for the food. I mean we have an eight hour drive so you can sleep in the car." Matt had said . He was teasing and you could see it from the smile on his face.
"I think I'm falling in love with you." You mumbled in a sleepy haze.
"What?" Matt said. His eyes went wide and when Ben looked at his best friend he was sure he could see a dusting of bright pink flushing of his cheeks.
""I think I'm falling in love with your burger..." You said quickly as you realised what you'd said. The waitress came over with the food at the perfect time. "You, we're totally right Matt. The burgers here look amazing!"
"Oh! Well... you know. I. Um when you're on the road for awhile you get to know the look of a good burger joint... you want to share?" Matt offered you some. You glanced at Ben who was covering his mouth to keep in his laughter and staring out of the window. You shrugged when you realised he wasn't going to be any help. "Cool. Gimme half of yours and you can have this."
You watched Matt dish out the food and swap everything round. Ben was still laughing when he gave a half hearted offer to swap some food with someone too. He grinned at you and you frowned tucking into your lunch on the table.

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