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//TW//slight abuse//

~~~Tommy POV~~~

I awoke on the plane to the common pain in my ears, signaling we were about to land. I didn't even remember falling asleep, but it happens. I was honestly terrified to check my notifications, knowing how much my friends were blowing up my phone before I even turned on do not disturb.

At that point I just decided to keep my phone on silent, because I had practically zero desire to face the amount of trouble I was most likely in.

Instead, I just sat there, anxiously waiting for the plane to land. My knees were bouncing like crazy, and my breath was hitching every .5 seconds, but I just dealt with it.

"Attention passengers, the plane will be landing in approximately 5 minutes, so please remain seated at all times." I heard over the loud intercom. And that's when it hit me. Did I really just leave the safest place I've ever been, for my shit father? I tried to shake away these thoughts by constantly reminding myself that I love him, but deep down I knew that it wasn't true.

After a little while, I finally landed back in Britain, unaware of the dreadful fate I would experience a few hours later. Oh how I wish I would've stayed with them...

~~~George POV~~~

As soon as we arrived home, Dream and I sprinted upstairs as fast as we possibly could to see if Tommy was actually gone. And sure enough, he was nowhere to be found. I could see Dream bring a shaky hand up to his mouth. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a single shaky hand. "Dream..." I tried to comfort him, but in all honesty, I was too starstruck to even say anything myself.

I never really had that close of a mutual bond with Tommy, but I definitely had a soft spot for the boy. He could make anyone laugh with just a few words, and I think we all love that about him. So to see someone like that go through something like this, was just simply painful.

I pulled Dream into a tight hug before going back downstairs and informing the others that he indeed, wasn't here.

Everyone was mostly trying to comfort Karl in this situation, but I couldn't help but notice how different Tubbo was acting. He was just sitting on the arm of the couch, staring at nothing whilst Karl cried into Wilbur's arms. (platonic, you shipping fckers) "Tubbo?" I asked. No reply.

"Earth to Tubbo?" I asked once again, this time placing a light hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little before answering. "Hm?" "Nothing, nothing. You just zoned out a little bit there."

"So... what are we gonna do?" Eret asked, emotion pouring out with every word, and his voice slightly breaking. We all kind of subconsciously turned our heads towards Dream, considering that he always seems to have a plan for everything. He cleared his throat once he realized that all eyes were on him. "I say we take the next flight to wherever he lives, and go from there, because I don't think there's any way we could possibly get a hold of him at this point. So if you can go, speak up now."

"I'm going." Tubbo blankly said. Most people stared at him wide eyed, myself included. "Tubbo wha-" Wilbur started, but he cut him off. "I said I'm going. End of discussion."

No one questioned it after that, but most of us were still skeptical. I mean, he's been flat out ignoring Tommy for basically the entire trip, and out of nowhere he just wants to see him? I dunno, the whole thing just seemed pretty weird to me.

"Okay, who else?" Dream asked. "I can go." Sapnap spoke up. Dream gave him a thumbs up before we continued. "I'm going." Karl and Wilbur said in unison. "I mean I literally live there so... yeah." I said, adding on a little laugh, which seemed to slightly lighten the mood.

Eventually we all had an understanding of who was coming and who wasn't. The list of us going include Dream, Sapnap, Karl, Wilbur, Eret, Tubbo, and myself. Techno and Fundy sadly couldn't make it, both due to family reasons.

~~~3rd person POV~~~

"So the next flight over would be tonight, but they only have 3 seats available. So tomorrow morning it is." Dream told the group. It was clear as day that Karl wanted to protest, but he knew it was out of his control. "Tomorrow morning it is..." Karl repeated, slowly trailing off.

They sat in a comfortable silence, having a mutual understanding for each other's grief. "Uh, anyone up for a movie?" Fundy asked in attempts to lighten the mood. Everyone kind of just shrugged, basically open to anything to get their minds off of the poor boy, although they knew it probably wouldn't work.

They ended up just turning on the office, not a movie, but funny enough to where they wouldn't just be sulking in our own states of pity. The show even got Tubbo to smile, which no one had seen him do for a few days now. If only they had decided to take the flight leaving that night, the group could've prevented what they thought was inevitable.

~~~Tommy POV~~~

I had begun the walk back to the dreaded house, my mind somehow feeling crowded, but empty at the same time. "It's worth it. It's worth the pain. You love him." I kept whispering to myself, staring at my feet as they dragged themselves along the sidewalk.

It felt like time was nonexistent as I was walking, because before I knew it, I was already back to the one place I thought I'd never have to come back to. But I came back, on my own terms. Odd isn't it?

I felt no emotion as I let myself stride towards the front door, knocking lightly. Not even a few seconds later, the door swung open, revealing my very drunk-looking father. Father. The word made me cringe. I had no time to think about that though, feeling a hard slap across my face. "I knew you'd come crawling back eventually." He said menacingly, grabbing the collar of my shirt and dragging me inside.


word count - 1110

hello friendsssss! thank you guys so so so much for 70k reads, that's actually so fucking insane i love you guys so much.

anyways, i've been listening to lovejoy's album on repeat for the past several hours, this shit is really abt to be the cure to all my life problems lmao, i highly recommend:)

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