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yall i accidentally uploaded in the middle of writing this- also im super sorry that there was no update on friday!! i was incredibly busy and a lot of personal stuff was going on, so i'm super sorry about that, but the schedule is starting today, no interruptions :D

also guys, remember not to be a silent reader!! i understand being eager to read the next parts, but make sure to leave a comment here and there, i love hearing your guys' feedback!!

//TW//slight ed mention//sh mention//throwing up//anxiety//

~~~3rd person POV~~~

The group boarded the plane the next morning, anxiously waiting for takeoff. No one uttered a word on the car ride here, as everyone was too caught up in their own minds. "Do you think he's okay?" Karl quietly asked, that being the first thing anyone's said for the past few hours. Tubbo just stared blankly, completely disregarding Karl's question.

"I want to be comforting, but I just don't know." Wilbur replied. A foreign tone was present in his voice, one only to be heard in the most disappointing of times. Karl just let out a sigh, which wasn't new at this point. He never really seemed to have, words, I guess.

No one talked. no one wanted to talk. The endless thoughts in each of their heads didn't allow them to talk. So instead, they just sat, staring into the abyss of everything and nothing at the same time. Their brain-cramming thoughts slowly faded, just anticipating what was gonna happen next. They didn't really know what was gonna happen next, or what they were even gonna do.


The group sat, painfully unaware of their youngest friend's fate.

Tommy was just laying there, on the floor beside his bed, unconscious. Just laying there, on the brink of life and death, with zero certainty of either outcome. Just laying there, in a pool of his own blood. Just laying there, unsure as to whether or not he wanted to live at this point.

How much time did he have left? Being unconscious, he was obviously unaware of the fact that his friends were on their way to his rescue. But even if they were on their way, how long would it take? How long would it take for him to bleed out? How long would it take for his heart to stop beating due to nutrient deficiency? How long... did he have?


This is my fault. It's my fault Karl's hurting. It's my fault we had to hop a plane on such short notice. It's my fault Tommy could be dead for all we know. Why did I have to yell at him? I could've been there for him. I mean, he deserved to be yelled at... right? It's his fault.

It can't be my fault, i'm not the one who decided to be a pussy and slit my goddamn wrists. He could've just talked instead of being an attention whore. He's probably faking everything. Does he not get enough attention already from his loud ass voice and-

Wait. I cut off my mental rambling. What is wrong with me? He's my best friend. I should've been there for him. He probably didn't even think he could talk to me- because I'm like this. It's not his fault. It's not his fault. "It's not his fault." I muttered, getting a weird stare from Wilbur. "What do you mean Tubs?" He asked, clearly concerned, and/or confused. "Oh, uh, nothing. Just thinking." He gave me a sad smile, while the others just looked slightly shocked at the fact that I actually spoke an entire sentence, something I haven't done in over a day now.

~~~Karl POV~~~

I was seated next to the window, with Wilbur next to me, and Tubbo in the isle seat. I could tell wilbur was trying his best at making sure I didn't freak out again, but nothing was working. I was on the verge of throwing up from the pure anxiety bubbling in my stomach, but I tried to push it down.

"What if we're too late?" I asked, and could see Tubbo visibly tense up at my question. Wilbur went a bit glossy eyed before answering. "Karl..." He trailed off. "Don't think like that. It's not doing anyone any good when you think that negatively, especially yourself." I was going to answer him, but immediately felt the need to sprint to the bathroom. "Karl?" I heard Dream ask, panic-filled.

I didn't even get the chance to shut the door before throwing up into the toilet of the airplane. Eret quickly came in behind me, tucking my hair behind my ears, as it was pretty long. "It's okay, let it out, you're gonna be okay." They spoke with such a caring tone, which truly did make me believe it was going to be okay, until I began to dry heave.

"Hey, focus on your breathing. In and out. In and out." I fell into the floor of the lavatory, no energy left in my body. "Thank you." I muttered to him. "Of course, but we need to get out of here. Can you walk?" He asked gently. I made an attempt at standing up, but to my avail, it didn't really work. "It's okay, don't work yourself up, i'll help you."

We began to slowly walk back to my seat, with Eret and Wilbur at each of my sides, assisting my drowsy walking. They sat me back down, and a flight attendant came to use with some water.

I managed to drink most of the water before slowly drifting to sleep, having basically no energy left.

~~~3rd person POV~~~

They were all concerned for Karl, because he definitely wasn't the type to be motion sick. Dream chuckled at the thought of how Karl basically developed a natural immunity to motion sickness due to the amount of Mr. Beast challenges he had to endure.

"What's so funny?" George asked with genuine curiosity. "Nothing, nothing." He replied, the thought of Tommy creeping back into his mind.

"Attention passengers," the flight attendant began over the intercom. "flight 360 from Orlando, Florida to Brighton, England will be landing within the next 30 minutes, remain seated at all times, thank you."

Karl woke up to the feeling of his ears popping, shooting up whilst muttering a small 'ow.'


word count - 1111

again yall i'm sorry that you got a notif too early😭🤚🏻, but anyways, hope you all enjoyed!!

we're over 3/4's of the way to 100k, and that's honestly so crazy to me, thank you guys so much. i have no words.

remember to drop a vote if you enjoyed!!<3

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