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surprise chapter:)

//TW//swearing//death mention//implied abuse mention//

~~~Wilbur POV~~~

We were walking through the airport, making attempts to find baggage claim, but the constant bustle of people was making it incredibly difficult to do so. "Wait I just realized..." I began. "Do we even know where he lives?"

It felt like a stupid question to ask, considering the fact that we flew to an entire new country just to "rescue" Tommy, but after seeing the instant look of panic painted across Dream's face, I knew it wasn't stupid. "Wait, so you're trying to tell me, we don't know where the kid even lives?" Sapnap spewed.

"Wait Tubbo, you've been to his house right?" I asked him, desperately hoping he still had the address. He hummed in response. "Soooooo, where does he live?" No reply.

"Tubbo?" I asked again, this time turning around to look at him. "What?" He asked with genuine confusion. "He just asked what his address is, you good?" Dream asked. "Yeah, yeah sorry." He responded, still not giving us the answer to our original question.

"So do you have his address or not?" Eret asked, obviously becoming slightly annoyed with his lack of conversation. "Yes." He replied, once again not being cooperative.

"Tubbo I swear to god I can't do this today, you have 5 seconds to give us the goddamn address-," I was cut off by George giving me a little jab in my side. "Okay jeez calm down. One sec."

"No it's not just 'one sec,'" I quoted him with a mocking tone. "Our best friend could potentially be dead right now and you won't give us our one chance at helping him." Karl visibly tensed up at my words, to which Eret gave him a small side hug.

I got a text from Tubbo with his address, and finally somewhat relaxed for what felt like the first time in years, even if it's only been a day.

We grabbed our bags, and began to make our way out, before being stopped by Sapnap. "Wait, how are we supposed to even get inside, or even face his dad?" Good point, I pondered for a moment, before hearing a familiar voice come up behind me.

"Don't worry about it. I've gotta glock."

I whipped my head around at the speed of light. "Schlatt? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, still starstruck at the fact that he was even in Britain in the first place. "Eh not much really happened, Dream texted me for quote on quote 'backup,' so I took the next flight I could, and got here like half an hour ago."

"Holy shit." Tubbo blankly replied, earning a small laugh from the group, myself included.

"Okay, yeah yeah, almighty Schlatt is here, but like, don't we have a child to save?"

We made our way out to Schlatt's rental car, which he somehow managed to get within the 30 minutes of him being here. "What if he's not even hurt? What if we literally came here for nothing?" Sapnap questioned, and most of us proceeded to glare at him. I was going to say something, but Karl beat me to it.

"It doesn't goddamn matter whether or not he's hurt. He still needs to get the hell out of there, and we sure as hell know he's not gonna listen to us over the phone, and that's only assuming if he were to ever pick up anyways. So stop being fucking ignorant, and realize that even if he's not hurt, he still needs us."

All I could do was stare at Karl, wide-eyed. "Getting scolded by the Karl Jacobs? That's a lotta damage." Schlatt boomed, making Karl stifle out a small giggle, but Sapnap was far too awestruck to simply even form words.

~~~time skip because i'm insanely lazy~~~

We pulled up to the driveway of the house, and right away I could just tell it was Tommy's. There was a single shattered window, and the whole vibe of it just felt... eerie. Something wasn't right. Something definitely wasn't right. "Okay, uh, we need someone to stay in the car. I say Tubbo, just because you know, legal purposes. I'd prefer not to go to jail for endangering a minor. Call 999 immediately if I text you to do so, got it?"

"Got it."

Schlatt led the way up to the front step, the rest of us slowly following in suit. I knocked a few times, getting more and more impatient by the minute. My little brother could be hurt and we were wasting time by knocking on the door.

I knocked again after about a minute, and to my avail, still no reply. "What's your call schlatt?" Dream muttered shakily. "My call?" He questioned before swiftly kicking the door open, to reveal a cluttered downstairs. There was broken glass littering the floors, along with beer bottles laid in odd places.

"What the hell..." George muttered. "Wilbur and Karl, go up to his room. The rest of us will stay on like stand bye." Schlatt quietly murmured, earning small nods of agreement from all around.

I grabbed his hand before leading the way upstairs, trying to mentally guess which room was his. "I'll go left, you go right. Call for me as soon as you see anything okay?" And so we parted.

~~~Eret POV~~~

We were stood in the kitchen, silently admiring the mess, full knowing that your average family home shouldn't look like this. I was careful not to step on any of the glass, not wanting to somehow accidentally get hurt.

"Do you think he's okay?" I asked. "Eret this is like the millionth time that question has been asked today, we just don't know." Dream uttered, slightly annoyed.

We were just standing there, nothing really happening, and no signs of his father being home, until we heard a scream. A scream I'd never forget. Karl's scream.


word count - 1069 (nice)

i'm so mean when it comes to cliffhangers oh my god-

also, i know i set an upload schedule for myself and everything, but all i gotta say is fuck the schedule lmao, i'm just gonna upload when i want, just way more often than before.

anyways, remember to vote if you enjoyed the chapter, i love you all, goodnight<3

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