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i'm speed running these goddamn chapters rn lol anyways i'm so sorry for the major cliffhanger last chapter-

//TW//blood//implied abuse//panic attack//hospital//

~~~Wilbur POV~~~

I was quickly searching through the rooms of the upstairs, until I heard a scream. A scream that I knew I'd never forget once I heard it. A scream full of pure agony, whether or not it was physical or emotional. "KARL!" I yelled out, sprinting as fast as I could to the room I heard the scream from.

As soon as I entered, I immediately understood his scream. If it weren't for my instant shock, I probably would have done the same. There lay my brother, unconscious on the floor, covered in blood. Karl was hyperventilating next to him with his knees pulled up to his chest, but even I couldn't comfort him now.

Schlatt, Dream, and Sapnap instantly came rushing into the room, with Eret and George running in not long after. "No. No no no. This can't be happening right now..." Schlatt trailed off, his 'strong' facade falling slightly. "Dream call Tubbo. Tell him to call 999 and do not come inside. He can't see this." He stated, running to check Tommy's pulse. "Still good." I audibly sighed in relief, but he was still hurt.

I watched as Dream pulled out his phone, going to Tubbo's contact as soon as he could. It practically didn't even have the chance to ring before Tubbo picked up. "Tubbo. Listen to me carefully. I need you to call 999, tell them that there's a teenager inside covered in blood okay? As much as you probably want to, don't come in here, no matter what you do." He hung up, immediately going over to comfort Karl, even if he needed comfort himself.

By this point it was already nighttime, hence time zones and everything.

I couldn't even cry, shock was just running through my veins in every direction possible. Karl wouldn't calm down, and looked like he could pass out at any second, already having thrown up not too long ago. Any second now I felt like even I could collapse.

We kind of just sat there, not doing much, until Tubbo burst through the door, looking around for a moment before his eyes landed on Tommy. "Tubbo I-," Dream started, but before he could even get a single sentence out, Tubbo turned around, running out the door with tears streaming down his face.

"Shit." Eret quickly ran after him, presumably making sure he didn't run off or something.

~~~Eret POV~~~

"Tubbo wait!" I yelled out as he tried to run out the front door. He managed to get onto the front steps, but before he got any further I managed to wrap my arms around him. He struggled at first, trying to release himself from my grasp, but eventually just sank to the floor whilst I hugged him.

"It's my fault Eret." He stifled between sobs. "If it weren't for what I said or did, we wouldn't have to be here right now. We would all be happy back in Florida, enjoying life. But now we're here, and I can't just undo what I've done. It's not fixable."

I stared at him, not really knowing what to say. Because deep down I know what he said was partially true, but I couldn't just agree with him while he was sobbing in my arms.

"Tubbo, hey, look at me." It took a second, but he eventually complied with my words. "Although I don't agree with what you said last week, this isn't your fault. Last time I checked you didn't do that to him, and you don't even know if you were the reason he came back here okay? So please for the love of god don't say this is your fault, because it's not. It's none of our faults. Now take deep breaths with me okay?"

He complied, making attempts at copying my breathing, to which he eventually succeeded. "Do you want to stay out here and wait?" I calmly asked him. "Yeah. That'd be nice."

~~~3rd Person POV~~~

Both the cops and ambulance arrived not long after calling, and rushed upstairs to where Eret led them. The group kind of just watched as Tommy was being carried away, and were all wildly upset at the fact that there was nothing they could do to help him. All they could do was watch.

And you know what they say, the people who sit and watch are worse than the people who've committed the crime. Although it might not apply to a situation where there's nothing you could do to help, it still sure as hell felt like it for them.

They all followed the paramedics out the door and out to where the ambulance was, not completely sure as to how they were supposed to stay with him. "One person can ride with the patient, the rest of you will have to drive yourselves if you wish to come."

Almost immediately, Karl was slightly pushed forward by Wilbur, signaling for him to go. "Are you sure? I mean you and him have been close for such a long time and-," He was quickly cut off. "Karl, there's no time to argue, just go. It's okay, we'll meet you there." And so he went.

The others had to stay behind a few minutes, Dream having to answer several of the cops questions. From anyone's perspective, he looked like he knew what he was doing. But deep down, he was crumbling, feeling like this whole situation was his fault, for whatever unknown reason. What if he had been there sooner? What if he had taken two people with him and saved him last night? What if, what if, what if?

~~~3rd person Karl POV~~~

They arrived at the hospital, bursting through the front doors. The doctors desperately trying to do whatever they could to make sure he was okay, let alone alive. "Is there anything I can do?" Karl asked sparingly, earning a quick 'no' from several staff members, making him feel useless.

They quickly rushed to a room, not allowing Karl inside as they worked, which left him to sit out in the hall, waiting for his friends to arrive.

The only thing he had any focus on was whether or not he was going to be okay. Physically? Most likely. But Karl knew it'd take years to recover from that, from personal experience.

He's never really told anyone about his experiences with his mother, and he'd like to keep it that way.

And so he sat, alone with his racing mind, before hearing the quick, yet heavy footsteps of his friends run down the hallway. Almost immediately, Eret pulled Karl into a much needed hug, having picked up on his preferred form of comfort fairly quickly.

"So... have they told you anything yet?" Sapnap asked, to which he just shook his head, earning a troubled sigh from Schlatt.

"He'll be okay Schlatt," Wilbur started. "He's strong. I know he is."


word count - 1212



remember to vote if you enjoyed, and go drink some water, ily<3

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