Chapter 4

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Jack and Lisa were at the Lawyer's explaining what happened but couldn't believe they were going after Amy without any proof that would prove she was on the phone.
The Lawyer was saying that because Lilly was badly injured they were going after Amy and the Truck Driver.
"I'll get all the information and Statements and look through it Lisa, then I'll get in touch ".
"Thank you Derek".

Jack phoned up to get a pass to go and see Amy, for some reason they remanded her in custody instead of allowing her to come home so she was being held in a Medical part of the remand unit, Derek the Lawyer was going to see if he could get Amy released until the Court hearing.
They Just told Jack that until the case went to court Amy wasn't allowed visitors.
Lisa ran back upstairs to Derek's office and was able to see him, explaining what they were Just told.
"I have a feeling that someone else is in play here Lisa, Amy should of been bailed and she is allowed visitors, infact they shouldn't of taken her out of Hospital".
"Well who could order all this".
"That would be the DA who we all know is a very good  friend of Val Stanton, leave it to me, I have a friend high up as well, if he's taking back handers then we'll find out.".
After Lisa left, Derek phoned someone he knew to tail the Stantons and listen in and record any conversations  or meetings they may have, then he got it touch with his friend who was a High Court Judge.
Later on Jack went to see Val and try to find out what's going on, he didn't like the fact that his Granddaughter was being used as a pawn in some game that Val is orchestrating.

"Ah Jack, how are you".
"Don't act so nice Val, why are you persecuting my Granddaughter,  she hasn't done anything wrong to you, it was your driver who almost killed her and Ty's mother, then you start a rumour that she was on the phone and it was all her fault".
"Ohhh Jack, you hurt me, I've had feelings for you for years and then you never even looked at me and married Lisa instead".
"So your punishing Amy because I don't have the same feelings for you that you have for me, well if there were any feelings, you've just destroyed them Val including any friendship.
Oh, and the people who need to know are aware of what you've been up to, there taking action as we speak".
"Don't threaten me Jack Bartlett,  you'll lose every time, believe me I've dealt with people bigger than you".

"Jim, can we have a word please".
"Judge Grimshore,  nice to see you".
"Same to you Jim".
Jim shut his door and they started to talk about Amy, Val Stanton and the Accident.
"Hang on Judge, what do you mean Amy's on Remand, there's no proof she was on the phone, Lilly Borden had the phone, her finger prints were all over it, she spoke to her Husband then Lou ,Jack, and Lisa were talking to Lilly via speaker phone at there end when the accident happened, who even arrested her".
"Somone here at your Precinct I would assume".
"Hang on a minute and I'll find out, how long ago was she arrested".
"4 weeks ago".
"What, this is not acceptable".
Jim went off and came back about 15 minutes later.
"They weren't from Hudson, so it had to be Calgary, I'll chase it up".

To be continued

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