Chapter 17

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6 Months Later

Since Ty had been back with Amy it had given her a reason to want to improve and she had, Ty had been helping her with extra physio and taking her to the Gym 3 times a week, her weight was back to normal and muscle mass was getting better.
Amy was now talking but it was still a whisper,  and would take longer to return.
Amy was getting ready as Ty was taking her out on a date, the first in over a year.
Val and Jesse were in court this morning,  Jesse was charged with Kidnapping,  using controlled Drugs and sentenced to 30 yrs, Val Stanton was charged with perverting the court of Justice and interfering in a police case, bribing a government official etc, and sentenced to 10 years.
The D A was stripped of his qualifications, and his position as DA and sentenced to 5 years.
Ashley Stanton was given Full control of Briar Ridge,  she still couldn't understand why her mother went after her friend Amy Just because her feelings were hurt, she thought her mother had become mentally unstable and asked the court to have her mother assessed.

Amy came out of her room looking like a model, Ty's Jaw hit the floor and bounced back up again, Jack saw her too, she looked stunning, especially since she'd been working out with Ty, Amy saw Ty and he was as handsome as ever, she also noticed the way he filled out his Jacket from all the training he'd been doing with her.
As they BOTH walked to his truck, they both told each other how good the other looked at the same time and started Laughing.
At the restaurant they were shown to their table, they had a wonderful time  and chatted about all sorts of things, then Ty got up and bent the knee asking Amy to marry him ASAP again showing her a new Engagement Ring as he thought they'd waited long enough.
Amy whispered Yes as loud as she could and everyone clapped wishing them the best for the future.
When they got back to Heartland they walked in hand in hand.
"Your back earlier than we thought you'd be".
"Oh Grampa, it was a lovely Restaurant,  but I wanted to get home and share our great news".
"Which would be".
Amy held her hand up and there were whoops and cheers, then hugs  kisses and Jack shook Ty's hand.


Amy was sat on Ty's Lap in one of the new larger chairs Jack and Lisa bought on the porch with her head on his shoulder looking at him. She was so happy they were finally back to where they were 15 months ago, it had been hard work but totally worth it. Jack, Lou, Lisa were in the kitchen watching them and so happy they were back together .
Jack looked up and after 6 months Tim was driving towards the house uninvited.
Tim of course thought that as it had been so long no one would remember,  but they did.
Lou and Lisa looked at the Love birds but they were still sat where they were minutes ago.
"Err, do you think we should stand up, ya Dad's here".
"No, it's my home and your my Fiance , so if he doesn't like how were cuddled up he can leave".
Tim got out the truck and walked towards the house.

To be continued.

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