Chapter 19

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Amy had 6 stitches in her forehead and was sent home.
Tim was halfway through his bottle of Whisky and didn't care, he kept thinking how Ty had turned Amy against him, she would never argue with him and certainly not hit him, this was his influence, Just like Peter turned Lou against him with the Dude Ranch and he was left on the side line, Lou would listen to his Ideas then do what she wanted even if he was supposed to be a silent Partner.
He was so glad he played them off against each other,  it worked but took longer than he expected.
But now he was thinking how to get rid of Ty, he almost pulled it off using Ahmed but it backfired.
Everyone loves Ty except him and if he says anything they Jump down his throat, until Amy started dating Ty he was number one, now he's the last to know anything.

A month later and the incident with Tim was long forgotten, well it was as far as the rest of the family was concerned and Tim had stayed away.
Ty said goodbye to Amy and everyone else and walked to his truck, Amy was stood on the porch ready to wave him off, Jack  Lisa, Lou, Katie, Georgie were in the kitchen having breakfast.
Ty got in his Truck and started it up then realises his Vet Case is in the Mud Room and runs back to the house and grabs it, as he comes out Amy grabs hold of Ty telling him she wants a proper goodbye kiss.


The man was sat in his car with his phone in hand waiting,  it suddenly goes off telling him the engine was started a minute ago, he forgot there must be a delay in the signal so presses the green button sending the signal back.

Amy wasn't letting Ty go without a real kiss so he gives what Amy wants.
"I love you so much Dr Borden"
I love you so much more Amy Fleming ".
There arms wrapped around each other Kissing and Ty stood infront of Amy when there's this flash of light , no sound, Just pressure as there lifted up off there feet and slamed backwards,  they never touched the front of the Ranch House as Ty's Truck exploded with such Force it took out Jack & Lou's cars,   the fence, the Porch and the entire front of the Heartland Ranch House blowing everything inside where the Kitchen, Mudroom and Amy's and Lou's bedrooms used to be, where the family were having breakfast.
Then the noise hit with the deafening Explosion.
Mitch who had started working at Heartland not long ago had Just come round the last bend approaching towards the Barn where he saw Ty and Amy Kissing on the path when the Bomb went off, the force was so strong it shattered all the windows in his Truck from the sound wave.
He pulled his phone out and called for help, explaining a Bomb had Just detonated at Heartland taking at least half the Ranch House out and it was on fire as we're all three trucks at the front, and there were people inside.

To be continued

The Accident. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant