Chapter 8

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"That's great news Lou, now let's hope they can find Amy".
The following morning Amy's Face was on the front cover of every Newspaper.
Barbara Ryan was a Doctor/Councillor  at the Mental Clinic and had Just got to work with her Newspaper in hand, she looked at Amy's photo and knew she'd  seen her before.
She'd been off work for 6 months due to a car crash and had a couple of Operations,  but today was her first day back.
There was a knock on her door and her senior Nurse walked in.
"Marsy, glad to see you".
"You too Barbara,  you look good".
"I feel brilliant,  but we have a problem, does this young women look familiar to you".
"Omg, yes, she looks like Ashley, she arrived the day you had your accident  on your way home but she must of been moved because we haven't seen her and as you know I've been off too".
"Well her names not Ashley it's Amy Fleming and she's been missing for 6 months, who brought her in do you know".
"Yes, her Brother, said that she kept hearing a voice to kill her mother, he produced a Doctors letter saying that she needed to be kept sedated".
"You go and ask the Staff if the've seen her and Show the photo because there's no discharged papers so we may have to do a search to find Ashley,  sorry Amy and I've got her notes while I phone the director".
"Okay, back soon ".
Barbara quickly updated John the director about the situation the've found themselves in and they don't know where she is or if she's been moved.
Marsy eventually wheeled Amy in.
"Omg Marsy, look at the state of her".
"I know, I had to look twice, she's so thin and practically Comatose, Whoever was assigned to looking after her had her hidden, I couldn't find her , it's only because Elle ( A patient) took me to her, she's been feeding and taking Amy to the Bathroom otherwise she'd be in an even worse state".
"When was the last time she had a shower or Bath,  or a brush put through her hair".
Barbara looked through her file and was shocked that apart from her first day no one had filled anything in.
"Well according to this she was 8.5 stone when she arrived and the staff member looking after her is Jeff. Who's Jeff, Marsy".
"Errm, we don't have a Jeff apart from the Jeff whose a security guard ".
Barbara picks up her phone and calls John, she explains what she's found out and leaves John to speak to Jeff.
"Hello Amy, can you hear me sweetheart, we'll get you sorted and get you back to your Family okay".
Barbara looks at Amy's eye's for recognition and see's a couple of tears slide down her face.
"Oh come here sweetheart ".
Barbara wraps Amy in a hug and can feel the slight hitch in Amy's breathing as if she's trying to cry".
Marcy can't help but tear up as well".
"She must feel so lost in her mind Marsy,  can you take Amy to Medical, I want her weighed,  full blood Test, and please give her a shower and wash that beautiful long hair of hers. Ask if they can find out what medication she's been on  and if they can reverse it".
"Okay, come on Amy let's sort you out".

John is in his office when there's a knock on the door.
"Come in, Ahh Jeff please take a seat.
We have a bit of a problem Jeff, and I want truthful answers off you ,  do you understand ".
"Yes Boss, of course".
" Good , why are you looking after an Ashley Stanton when the Nurses should  be doing it it".
"To be honest boss, I didn't want to, but her brother threatened my younger sister if I didn't do what he wanted me to".
"And what was that".
"To give her the medication twice a day".
"And what about bathing,  washing her hair and eating".
"I fed her when I was on shift and had to leave it out on my days off".
"What about the medication,  hand it over please Jeff". He hands over the box of tablets.
"Jesus Christ, Jeff , do you know how powerful these are".
"No I don't ".

To be continued

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