Chapter 13

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They made there way back to see Amy , John went back to his office, Jim went to speak to the local police who'd Just shown up.
Lou approached Amy and sat in a comfortable chair by the side of her but facing towards her so Amy would see her straight away,  Amy was stirring and  eventually she opened her eyes, she went totally still Just looking then blinked a few times and Lou was Just Smiling.
"I'm so happy we found you Amy".
Amy burst into tears, she couldn't believe her sister was here right in front of her  Lou sat on the Bed and gently pulled Amy into her and hugged her, Lou was shocked that all she could feel was bones, there was literally nothing to her, Amy was hanging on for dear life and everytime Lou went to pull back Amy wouldn't let go.
"Hey , would you like to get dressed and fly home, Grampa is going to be so pleased to see you. But I have to tell you this because he's going to get very emotional,  when you went missing and we couldn't find you he had a mild Heart Attack due to stress but he's okay now, there were no blocked arteries, it was purely Stress related okay".
Amy nodded.
"There's more you should know sweetheart, this,  all that's happened has nothing to do with the crash, nothing to do with the question of whether you or Lilly were on the phone, the crash was a opportunity that Val Stanton has used to get back at Grampa because he married Lisa, Val has feelings for him but it's not reciprocated,  she's always been a friend as far as Grampa's concerned but he doesn't like her as a person. So when the crash happened she got the drivers mate to take out the Cctv camera which showed Lilly on the phone Just before impact.
Val knows how close he is to you being the youngest but also because you remind him of Mum and Lyndy, you have her singing voice Amy and her personality,  you have Mum's fire and determination plus her gentleness,  so she went after you Just to cause him hell. She didn't expect him to have a heart attack though.
Jesse, same thing, he wanted revenge for what happened at that party when he got heavy handed with you and Ty stepped  in and stopped him.
Amy put her hand on Lou's face and looked sad.
"Don't worry about me Amy, I'm more like dad anyway".
Amy started her way of laughing without any sound. Lou kissed Amy on the cheek and told her she loves her then they hugged.

Lou went and picked up the bag of clothes  from the end of the bed.
"I'll pull the curtains round so you can get dressed in private, would you like a hand".
Amy nodded and smiled .
When she was dressed her clothes hung off her but Amy didn't seem to care, they said there goodbyes and Lou pushed Amy out to the Helicopter  and Jim lifted Amy in then put her seat belt on. He then stowed away the wheelchair and Lou got in putting her arms around her, Amy just nestled into Lou and cried quietly, relived she was going home.

To be continued

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