Chapter 22

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"Have a seat please Mr Cutty".
"Please call me Mitch".
"Okay Mitch,  your the closest thing to family I understand ".
"Well I work For Jack, Mr Bartlett, and I'm sort of dating his eldest Granddaughter Lou, they do have a Father but things have been very strained recently for both Lou and especially Amy, but we've tried to contact him".
"Okay, well let's hope he hears about it and gets in touch, now I'll start with those who are less injured.
Jack Bartlett,  given his age is in very good condition,  he has cuts, bruises and perforated ear drum from the shock wave, and a small concussion.
Katie Morris is exactly the same.
Georgie Morris has the same problems but also has a skull fracture.
Lisa Bartlett again the same problems but also has a skull fracture and some internal Bleeding,  They said that she was able to protect Katie so she took the most of the impact.
Lou Morris is in a coma due to multiple Skull Fractures,  internal bleeding and the same as the others, she's in OR right now.
Amy Fleming,  same problems as everyone else except both ear drums are perforated,  internal bleeding in her Lungs, broken wrist and unfortunately she has three skull fractures so is in a coma, this is because herself and Ty were closer to the bomb and not only took more of the Shockwave but also got thrown the furthest.
Mr Borden is the worst, he basically has the same as Amy except for the metal fragment that punctured his gut. He's very poorly at the moment and has an infection from the metal. He's going to be in the OR for a while yet".
"So is everyone unconscious at the moment.".
"Afraid so, in terms of seriously ill and  injured,  you have Ty, Amy and Lou seriously ill.
Jack, Lisa, Katie, and Georgie are injured and should be discharged by the end of the week.
I can't give a time frame for the other three".
"Okay Dr Reynolds,  thanks for your help".

Mitch didn't want to see any of them yet because of the flashbacks he was still getting.  He went back to Heartland when Jim said he was still there.
Mitch updated Jim on everyone's condition and were inspecting what was left of Ty's truck along with the Forensics team when they heard a truck coming round the corner.
"Oh great, here comes trouble Jim, it's Tim".
Tim pulls up and gets out but Just stands there looking at the only thing he could think of was a Bomb Site.
Jim and Mitch carry on talking about what and where the bomb was attached to the truck going by the twisted frame and listening to the Forensics Team.

Tim walks over looking at the Devastation of the trucks and what's left of the Ranch House,  then see's the 22 foot crater from the bomb.
"Mitch,  what are you doing here, poking your nose in again".
"Actually Tim I asked for his help, especially as he was in bomb disposal in the Military, if you have a problem with it then that's your problem.
He's already identified what explosives were used, now we're trying with the Forensics Team to work out how much we're used and where they were planted. Of course  Forensics will confirm if Mitch is right but I think he's spot on".
"What was used then clever clogs".
"RDX was used Tim".
"What's that Mitch, a made up name".
"You probably know it as C4 plastic explosives, Military Grade Tim. This Bomb was meant to destroy everyone  and everything".
Tim went quiet realising he was out of his League on this.
"The News report on the radio said everyone was dead, did anyone survive Jim".
"They all did so far, three are critical  though".
"Who's Critical".
"Lou, but Amy and Ty are the worst".
"Why's Amy and Ty worse".
"Because they were walking towards the Trucks when it went off, the rest of the family were inside".

To be continued

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