Chapter 26

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Lou was true to her word and got Amy her money she invested plus the percentage of profits. Lou had kept it quiet how well off she really was but as she was going to update the cabins and build four more where she was supposed to build the Cafeteria etc she decided to change it to Self Catering, her Home would be a little further up the lane towards the Heartland Ranch House, so she got a business Loan so not to eat away at her own money.
Within 4 weeks they were all moved back into the new Ranch House, even Lou as it would be a while before everything was finished.
Amy couldn't believe how much she got back including her own initial investment.
Months went by and Amy was getting bigger, she was 6 months pregnant now and she wished Ty was with her and went to see him twice a week.
Lilly was there every day for fours hours Just like clockwork but he was still in a deep Coma.
Lilly and Wade moved to Hudson as Wade worked for a Trucking Company and transfered him to the nearest one to Hudson only a 30 minute drive away. Lilly got a Job at Maggie's thanks to Lou.
Lilly was overcome when Amy told her she was going to be a Grandmother and that Ty standing infront of her saved the baby.

Amy Set off to see Ty as usual but wanted to get there a little earlier so as to see Lilly as well, all the Trucks had been replaced like for like.
Ty had been in the coma for 5 months although Doctors were hopeful as his brain activity had increased.
Amy walked into Ty's room and saw Lilly reading a book but facing Ty incase he woke up.
"Hi Lilly, how is he".
"Hello Amy, we've been getting some movement out of him sweetheart and Brain activity has increased even more".
"Really, that's great news, hopefully it won't be much longer then, fingers crossed ".
They sat talking for some time and Amy told Lilly it was so nice having her so close.
Lilly agreed but says she wished it was under better circumstances.
"I know, I miss him so much and especially with this little one on the way".
"What happened with Jesse Stanton Amy".
"He was moved to a high security unit, I don't care what happens to him or Val, as long as they leave me alone".
Ty started to murmur so Lilly pressed the button for the Nurse.
"Well it looks like somone is starting to wake up, would you ladies give us a minute while I get the Doctor in please ".
"Yes of course ". They both said at the same time.
"Fancy a coffee or decaff Amy".
"Yeah, that sounds nice Lilly".
They went off Just as the Doctor was approaching Ty's room.
They spent about half an hour in the Cafeteria then made there way back up to see Ty hoping he was awake.
Lilly walked in first quickly followed by Amy.
" Hello Ty, nice to see you awake finally ".
"MUM,, What happened ".
" You and Amy were caught in a massive Explosion that took out most of the Heartland Ranch".
Amy was sat by the bed with Lilly, but was wondering what was going through his head as he'd looked at her a few times but not said anything.
"Mum, whose Amy, and who is this".
Amy's heart dropped to her feet, *No please, let him remember who I am*
"Ty this is Amy your fiancee, you've been together 6 or 7 years at Heartland ".
Tears were running down Amy's face.
"Amy's carrying your son or daughter and you would of been married by now if it hadn't been for that blasted Bomb".
"No, I can't be,we would of started dating when I was ten years old, no this is all wrong".
Amy could see Ty was getting agitated and she couldn't take anymore, she got up kissed his Cheek and ran out of the Room.

To be continued

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