Chapter 23

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"Thank god they weren't any closer or inside it".
"We're trying to figure out how they knew when to detonate the bomb, they obviously didn't know the truck was empty but must of known when the engine was running ,, Mitch".
"Could of had a sensor to detect the engine starting, which would mean possibly a phone signal, try looking for any mobile signals in the area".
Jim called over one of the team members and mentioned it to them.
"This had to be the Stantons or that Prince".
"Why do you think the Prince may of had something to do with it Tim".
"Well after the things he did to try to win Amy over and then the fight between him and Ty outside".
"What fight, and who lost".
"He knew Ty and Amy were going to get married and how much she loved him, but he wouldn't give up on her, personally I would of preferred the Prince over Ty Borden".
"Plus he'd have contacts for these sort of explosives Jim, and someone to do it. Maybe he was only after Ty and the Truck would of been away from the house, or he was after Amy and Ty".
"That's a good point Mitch".
"He wouldn't of gone after Amy, he wanted to Marry her".
"So I take it there's no Love loss between you and Ty then Tim, So where we're you all morning".
"Heading for California".
"I'll be checking up on that Tim, so stay local please".

Jim called the office and asked them to look for any reports of stolen C-4 or RDX. It was a long shot as due to his Diplomatic Imunity he could of brought it over with him.
"Well if you'll excuse me I'm going to the Hospital ".
"Okay Tim, keep me updated please".
" Yeah, Okay".
But Tim didn't go to the Hospital, he knew they were Alive but it didn't sound good for Lover Boy, so he set off back towards California.
Stumpy had taken their horses to his place so he could look after them.
Jack, Lisa and the girls woke up after three days and Stumpy offered for them to stay at his Ranch for the time being, once they were cleared to leave hospital.

"Chief, we have the report back about cell phones near Heartland ".
"Any Joy".
"Yes Sir, same phone made two calls, one at the time of the Explosion, not far from Heartland, then another about 30 minutes later from Hudson.
But the call was directed to a cell Tower near the US Border".
"Didn't Tim say he was heading for California".

"What about the surveillance cameras outside Heartland,any suspect vehicles ".
"There's one, there checking it out now".
" Tell em not to enter the property, if he's the bomber, the house could be rigged".
It was already to late, they went to open the rear door, guns drawn when one noticed the wire and shouted to RUN. Thankfully they Jumped into the Pool Just as the house blew up.
Ten minutes later they had a hunt on to find the Vehicle the bomber was driving.
Jim phoned the US, Canadian Border to see if they could stop Tim as Jim wanted to speak to him.

A week later Jack, Lisa, Katie and Georgie were discharged from Hospital and Stumpy was there to pick them up.
The following day Jack got intouch with the insurance company to rebuild the Ranch House after getting permission from the RCMP.
The Builders were asked to keep there eyes open for anything unusual that could be from the Explosion.
2 weeks later Lou woke up and was surrounded by her family, but she noticed that Amy and Ty were missing.
Jack and Lisa explained to Lou what happened and how Amy and Ty were the closest to the Explosion and recieved the worst injuries. They were both still recovering and were both in a Coma.
Lou couldn't really remember anything, but the hugs she got off Katie and Georgie were the best, she could still see evidence on their faces and Jacks and Lisa's from the impact of flying debris that marked them but were healing.

To be continued

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