Chapter 14

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"Jack, Lou sent a message, the've Just taken off so be about 3 hours ".
"That's great news Lisa".
"Yes it is, and when they got there Jesse Stanton was locked in the Reception area after the place went into lock down, so he's under arrest.
He was obviously going to move her again but they stopped him".
"So there all locked up".
"Yes love, now we need to have a chat about Amy before she gets home, she's okay as such but we don't want you to be shocked when you see her okay. We have photos as well".

Lisa explained everything to Jack and once he'd calmed down she showed him the newest photo of Amy and Lou to prove it now she was cleaned up, then she showed him the others explaining what the security chap did on the orders of Jesse.
A while Later Tim showed up, "Hey Lisa, Lou text me to say they were on there way back".
"Hi Tim, yes, good news. Listen Tim has Lou said anything to you about Amy and the condition she's in".
"No, why".
"Sit down and I'll get you a coffee then explain so your not shocked when you see her".
"Where's Jack Lisa".
"Having a Lie down, I just told him and he took it hard".
This time Lisa told Tim the quick version and the photos so he was aware.

Eventually they heard the Helicopter and walked out onto the Porch, the three of them waiting to see Amy.
Once the Helicopter landed and the pilot had switched off stopping the Rotor Blades they started to get out.
Jim unbuckled the wheelchair and got it ready.
Lou undid Amy's seat belt then Jim lifted her down and gently placed her in the chair, Lou got down and took over from Jim as she put the harness over Amy's shoulders to help her stay upright instead of the slumped position they found her in due to loss of muscle strength.
"Why does she have a harness on Lisa".
"She has no muscle strength Tim, when they found her in the hidden room she was slumped over".
Lou approached the porch and Jim helped lift Amy's chair up the steps.
Jack leaned down and kissed her cheek as did Lisa but Tim Just stood there , Amy wasn't that bothered and made a squeak and pointed to the door to go in the house, Lou Just looked at Tim and shook her head at him which brought him back to the present time, when he got in he gave Amy a kiss and an apology.
Lisa took over from Lou and put Amy right next to Jacks chair, he gently picked up her boney hand and held it looking at her, "I'm so sorry Amy, for what Val and Jesse have done to you because of me".
Amy shook her head "Niiiii" she tried to say No but that screech came out after the N , but Amy smiled at Lou when she realised she got the N out at least.
Tim was stood in the kitchen with Lou who was unpacking everything that they gave her to help Amy manage until she could start doing things for herself.
"A few months Lou and she'll be back out there working with the horses".
Lou looked at Tim as he finished the sentence and shook her head.
"What do you mean No".
"Outside Dad".
Tim followed Lou out to the Porch.
"As I said why No".
"This ,,what's happened to Amy is not a quick fix Dad, so don't you dare go telling her things like that, Amy needs some Counselling, then a Speech Therapist, a Physiotherapist, a Nutritionist for muscle growth and putting weight back on".
"So how Long do we have to put up with her like this".
"I can't believe you Just said that, what do you mean, 'Put up with her' , if you don't like seeing her like this, then don't bother coming round. Amy needs positivity".
"Working with Horses is what she needs Lou".
"How the hell is she supposed to do that in her condition, get your head out the Clouds Dad, the doctors say it could be as long as 18 Months or longer".
"Ridiculous, I could have her back to normal in a couple of months without a doubt".
"Don't even Try, all you'd do is shout at her and Push and Push until she breaks".

To be continued

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